Monday, July 27, 2020

All On The Line
Sign your name: stop census manipulation »

President Trump signed an executive memo yesterday stating his intention to exclude undocumented residents from the 2020 Census count when allocating congressional seats ahead of next year's redistricting process. This unconstitutional move comes after the Supreme Court prevented the administration from adding a citizenship question directly to the census questionnaire.

This a direct attack on the American democratic process -- every community has a constitutional right to be equally represented through apportionment and redistricting. Do you agree? Sign our petition to demand the census count be protected from manipulation.
The Constitution clearly states that representatives must be apportioned by "counting the whole number of persons" in each state. This very line in the 14th Amendment repealed the racist three-fifths compromise that disenfranchised Black Americans through census counts. Despite what the Trump administration claims, this provision is not up for debate.

A census count manipulated in this way would have devastating impacts on redistricting. We may not be able to rectify this manipulation for a decade -- and even worse, the impacts of the bills passed under this manipulation would be felt for decades.

We must stop Trump and protect the integrity of the 2020 Census, apportionment, and redistricting. Sign this petition to stand on the right side of history.

-- All On The Line

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.


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