Monday, September 26, 2022



More than 1,000 GOP state legislators and candidates have posed a threat to our democracy since the 2020 election – by excusing, sanctioning, or even participating in the insurrection – all while advancing anti-democratic legislation and sowing the seeds of doubt and hatred into our democracy.

And over 630 of these insurrectionists and their enablers are on the ballot right now – that’s why we’re reaching out to you today. Voting has already started in several states, so we need to come together and ensure more of Trump’s cronies and insurrectionists do not gain one more ounce of power this November. Can we count on your support?

We need 10 more donors from your area to pitch in before our final end-of-quarter deadline before Election Day. Chip in $7 to our Stop the Insurrectionist Fund and have 5X the impact through Friday at midnight >>

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($35 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($125 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($250 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($500 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

We only have 43 days until the election, making our fight against Trumpism and MAGA Republicans more important than ever. This has to be our top priority. If we don’t address Republican election denial now, our democracy could face devastating consequences in the future.

Can you join the fight and donate today to our Stop the Insurrectionist Fund, before our fundraising deadline? It’ll have 5X the impact in ensuring insurrectionists and their enablers are DEFEATED this November >>



Assunto: A bit about me


Your support will make a difference in defending the Senate, so please consider making a donation today to keep Nevada and the Senate blue. You can also click here to receive fewer emails or here to unsubscribe.

Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate
8020 South Rainbow Blvd
Suite 100-112
Las Vegas, NV 89139
United States

Paid for by Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate

Contributions or gifts to Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate are not tax deductible.

AOTL logo

Sula --

Democracy is a muscle: To make it stronger, you have to exercise it.

In order to protect democracy, we have to do democracy. And if we’re serious about making this country a better, fairer place, then it’s not enough for each of us to merely cast our own vote -- we must help others vote, too.

With your help, All On The Line has won some significant victories, but all of that progress could go away if we don’t make our voices heard in November. Our organizers are working hard to help people cast their votes this fall -- can you rush a contribution to give them a boost?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

It’s easy to be frustrated when we hear election after election that “this is the most important election of our lifetime.” But the truth is every election really is the most important election yet. Democracy is always one election away from significant and long-lasting changes, for better or for worse.

And whether it’s the right to live on a healthy planet or a person’s right to choose, we have seen all too clearly the consequences of losing elections. We know that MAGA extremists are coming after the right to vote, too, and with extremists in control of some legislatures and courts, we simply cannot afford to jeopardize our progress.

You can make a difference -- you can make a plan to vote, you can make a plan to help others vote, and you can make a grassroots contribution to help our organizers turn out folks to the polls on Election Day.

This year’s elections will have repercussions for many years to come. They could determine whether the 2024 presidential election is fairly administered, or whether the election results are certified.

Let’s make sure we’re doing everything we can to safeguard the progress we have made.

In solidarity,
Eric H. Holder, Jr.


All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.






I don't know how much money you want, but myself & the team have got something lined up that should sort us all out.


And the bonus with this is we do not have to stake a lot to hit the Jackpot.



This is Mega



After 4 months of going around various training centres we're ready to roll

Six Horses all out on Wednesday & every single one of them will be 20/1 or bigger !!!!


I mustn't swear in an email, it's not professional, but this is going to be F****** HUGE


This is what's happening. We already know everything's set to go; we've got 99% green light. But we'll be getting the 100% early Wednesday morning just so we know for sure that all have eaten up & nothing's happened through the night.


Then as soon as we get the👍we're putting all 6 in a Lucky63


6 singles, 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four-folds, 6 five-folds & the all-important accumulator!!




Every single one of these will be 20/1 or bigger. That's FACT!!

We know that for sure. One should be 33/1



Lucky 63

20/1, 20/1, 20/1, 20/1, 20/1, 33/1




Stake SMALL & have the bet with a couple of different Bookies

Because if all six land you may go over the max pay-out

Don't lose out on winnings!!!!






It's the biggest bet we have

ever been involved with

& You can be part of it

(& for less than a tenner!!)



Wednesday's Six Horses

Get your name down to get these to your inbox. Price: £9.99


Get The 6 Horses Here





Happy Punting!


I will use the email given in PayPal's notification email to send you the bets unless other instructions are given in the notes at checkout. Please double check for spelling mistakes.

Profit is never guaranteed. losses can be incurred. Only bet with money you can afford to lose & stay within your limits. Past performances are never guarantee of future success.



Sen. Amy Klobuchar issued an important warning on CNN:

Amy Klobuchar: Donald Trump is still out there. He's still endorsing candidates… we have to vote for candidates that believe in democracy.

She’s so right. In Pennsylvania, Trump-endorsed Republican Doug Mastriano won the Pennsylvania gubernatorial primary – despite being at the insurrection on January 6th! And in Wisconsin, four Trump-endorsed candidates won their primaries!

We’ll be blunt: The power of a Trump endorsement still holds weight. His MAGA supporters are fired up and ready to go – so we need to meet this moment head-on.

If Trump’s Republicans win, the consequences for our democracy will be dire. Can you heed Amy Klobuchar’s warning and chip in $7 (and have it go 5X further) to elect state Democrats across the country?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($35 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($125 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($250 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($500 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

Your donation today could make or break whether our candidates defeat some of the very worst Trump-endorsed state Republicans on Election Day. Why? State legislative elections often fly under the radar, and sometimes come down to just a handful of votes, so a little investment goes a long way.

That’s why we’re reaching out – donating today is your BEST chance to take on MAGA Republicans running for state legislatures in critical swing states across the country.

Will you join the fight? Chip in $7, worth $35, right now to defeat Trumpist Republicans and elect state Democrats in their place >>




Thank you to everyone who shared your story in response to our previous message!

From families whose service goes back generations to stories of incredible bravery and sacrifice, we loved learning about so many of your military journeys.

Today, as promised, we're sharing a few of your inspiring stories with this community of military supporters. We hope you find them as moving as we did.

In our interactive journey, you'll find stories from military supporters like Kathy R. from Pennsylvania, who says:

"I am from a very patriotic family with many serving the U.S. proudly from the Civil War through modern-day conflicts. My personal heroes are my parents. They both served in the U.S. Army in World War II. Dad was a medic on hospital ships crossing the Atlantic from Europe. He met the love of his life (my mom) at Walter Reed Hospital where she was stationed, and they were married in 1944. Another love story — an uncle in the Air Force met his future bride who was working at a USO canteen!"

Check out four more inspiring stories of our military heroes from this community of patriotic Americans!


Thank you for being an important part of this military supporter community!

Team USO



Hi – we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but our team is running dangerously short of our end-of-month fundraising goal – and the consequences could spell disaster for state Democrats if we don’t catch up NOW.

To get us back on track, we pulled our supporters’ records to see who’s given this month. Does this look right?

NameEmailStatusSuggested Gift
Janet M.--ContributedN/A
On Filesula_costa@yahoo.comPENDING$7
Tom K.--ContributedN/A
Joe C.--ContributedN/A

If everyone who received this email donated $7, we wouldn’t need to send another email for this entire month. But that’s isn’t how this works – not even close.

However, if just 13 more Democrats in your state chip in before our Sunday deadline, then it should be enough to put our fundraising back on track.

Can you chip in an urgent $7 ($35 impact!) right now to help our team close the gap? Every dollar will be put to work right away to help elect state Democrats.

Falling behind on our fundraising right now has us nervous, and here’s why:

  • Republicans have already dumped over $12 million dollars into unseating Democrats, and they're poised to pour even more money into the field;

  • Trump’s PAC has more money than the Democratic and Republican parties COMBINED – which means we desperately need resources to out-organize, out-message, and out-work the GOP;

  • And thousands of state legislative seats are on the ballot this year – and early investment in winning these races is critical to flipping state legislatures.

Each of these fights is too important to sit out – and your support is the key that makes it possible to give it our all on every front. That’s why we have to ask one more time:

Be one of the 13 Democrats we need in your state to fight back and pull ahead of Republicans: Rush a $7 donation to help us elect Democrats to statehouses across the country. It will have 5X THE IMPACT! >>

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($35 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($125 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($250 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($500 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

Thank you for all you do to make sure state Democrats can fight and win at the ballot box.



Before I ask you to make a contribution to Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, I would like to take a moment to say why it's so important that we help him defeat Ron Johnson and expand the Senate majority.

Let me be very clear:

Ron Johnson is a self-serving multi-millionaire who voted to give huge tax breaks to himself and his billionaire donors. How pathetic is that?

Mandela Barnes can defeat him – but only if we're all in this together.

The latest Marquette poll shows Mandela trailing Ron Johnson by one point, and Mandela is currently up against millions of dollars in ugly right-wing super PAC ads. Now more than ever, he needs your help to regain the momentum in this race.

So before Friday's FEC fundraising deadline, Mandela is relying on a lot of donations to show there is strong grassroots support for his campaign. That's why I am asking:

Can you split a $10 between Mandela Barnes' campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin and The Collective PAC before Friday's FEC fundraising deadline? This is important.

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately and split between The Collective PAC and Mandela Barnes.

In this time of unprecedented challenges in our country, we need an unprecedented response. We need a movement of people who will fight for justice and stand together against greed, oligarchy, authoritarianism, and bigotry.

Mandela Barnes is building that kind of movement through his campaign for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. He is bringing together a multi-racial, multi-generational movement of people who understand that the billionaire class cannot have it all. At a time of obscene levels of income and wealth inequality, we must address the needs of working families in this country.

But the only way Mandela will run a successful campaign is if lots of people come together and get involved in the Wisconsin Senate race.

While Ron Johnson collects big checks from his special interest donors and corporate PACs, Mandela is counting on lots of people giving small donations before this Friday's FEC deadline.

Your contribution will ensure Mandela has the financial resources to flip Wisconsin's Senate seat. So I am asking you one more time:

Can you split a $10 between Mandela Barnes and The Collective PAC before his FEC fundraising deadline ends? Please use this link:

It is important that we stand with candidates like Mandela who will have the guts to take on powerful special interests and help create a government that works for ALL of our people, not just the one percent.

Thank you for adding your contribution to his campaign for Friday's FEC deadline.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


Thank you for your continued support of The Collective PAC.

Thanks to supporters like you, we’re building Black political power across the country at all levels of government.

We’re on a mission to elect Black progressive champions like Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock, Val Demings, and MORE in 2022, but it’s going to take every single one of us to do it. Can you chip in and support our work today?

Were you forwarded this email? Want to sign up for our email list? Click here to sign up!

The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.

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To Donate by Check: PO Box 15320, DC 20003

Paid for by the Collective PAC; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Click here to unsubscribe from the Collective PAC's email list.


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