Tuesday, August 5, 2014



Labour & Employment Conference
Thursday, 11 September 2014  Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Miami.
Chaired by
Anthony J. Oncidi, Proskauer Rose   
Oscar AitkenCarey
Jose Alfredo ArceSenior Vice President of Compliance and Chief Privacy Officer for Latin America, Citi Group
John P. BarryProskauer Rose
Mark J. BirosProskauer Rose
Jamie BlancoDirector, International Compliance and Business Development for Latin America, W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Marco Durante CalvoBDS Asesores (a member firm of Littler Global)
Alejandra CastroArias & Muñoz
Juan Carlos de la VegaSantamarina y Steta, SC
Alejandra FlahDirector and Associate General Counsel Latin America, Citibank
Celia M. JosephFisher & Phillips
Mihoko Sirley KimuraTozziniFreire
Renato Mejía MadridMiranda & Amado
Renata NeeserLittler Global
Jorge G. De PresnoBasham, Ringe y Correa, SC
Juan Carlos Pró-RísquezNorton Rose Fulbright
Dario Abrahão RabaySouza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch
Jorge ReynardusDeputy General Counsel, Data Privacy Officer and Head of Latin America Legal Affairs, Amadeus North America, Inc.
Isabel C. RiveraCorporate Counsel, Caterpillar Inc.
Enrique M. StileMarval, O'Farrell & Mairal
John D. TuckerHoet Peláez Castillo & Duque
Further speakers to be announced
08.30: Welcome coffee and registration
09.15: Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
Anthony J. Oncidi, Proskauer Rose
09.30: Outsourcing – navigating the restrictions of a tighter legislative framework
  • Creating the optimum corporate structure
  • What services can be sub-contracted and how are those services defined?
  • The consequences of non-compliance
  • The ethics of outsourcing
Renato Mejía Madrid, Miranda & Amado 
Jorge G. De Presno, Basham, Ringe y Correa, SC 
Enrique M. Stile, Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal
10.30: Coffee break
11.00: Global mobility – defining the employer-employee relationship in a globalised world
  • Immigration issues
  • Employee rights in an expat assignment – the home or host country?
  • Sending someone to a new country without setting up a company
  • Compensating the international employee
  • Cross-border secondments or transfers
Moderator: Isabel Rivera, Corporate Counsel, Caterpillar Inc. 
Oscar Aitken, Carey 
Marco Durante Calvo, BDS Asesores (a member firm of Littler Global) 
Alejandra Flah, Director and Associate General Counsel Latin America, Citibank 
Juan Carlos Pró-Rísquez, Norton Rose Fulbright
12.00: Coffee break
12.30: Restrictive covenants – what control does a company have over departing employees?
  • What are the laws?
  • Is garden leave permissible?
  • What restrictions are enforceable when an employee departs? Can they be prevented from soliciting other employees or customers, working with competitors, or disparaging the company?
John P. Barry, Proskauer Rose 
Dario Abrahão Rabay, Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch
13.30: Networking lunch sponsored by Littler Global
14.45: As anti-corruption legislation ramps up worldwide, what is the role of the L&E lawyer?
  • Toolkit for handling investigations, conducting audits, working with US/UK firms
  • How to handle privilege issues
  • Best-practice for anti-corruption compliance – e.g. training employees, developing appropriate policies (such as whistle-blowing policies), and transporting the message from corporate headquarters to local subsidiaries and far flung employees
  • Adapting to Brazil’s clean company law
Moderator: Mark J. Biros, Proskauer Rose 
Jamie Blanco, Director, International Compliance and Business Development for Latin America, W.W. Grainger, Inc.  
John D. Tucker, Hoet Peláez Castillo & Duque 
Juan Carlos de la Vega, Santamarina y Steta, SC 
José Carlos Wahle, Veirano
15.45: Coffee break
16.15: Employee privacy – striking a balance in the digital age
  • How to balance the desire of the employer to control and monitor employee communications both inside and outside the workplace vs. employees’ right to privacy
  • Adapting global workplace monitoring policies to local law
  • Privacy pitfalls in the hiring process
  • Use of social media and grounds for discipline and or dismissal
Moderator: Celia M. Joseph, Fisher & Phillips 
Jose Alfredo Arce, Senior Vice President of Compliance and Chief Privacy Officer for Latin America, Citi Group 
Alejandra Castro, Arias & Muñoz 
Mihoko Sirley Kimura, TozziniFreire 
Jorge Reynardus, Deputy General Counsel, Data Privacy Officer and Head of Latin America Legal Affairs, Amadeus North America, Inc.
17.15: Chair’s closing remarks
17.30: Close of conference
Full programme
Speakers' dinner host:
Lunch sponsor:
Conference supporter:
Friday, October 10, 2014

Save the Date!

2014 Brazil Economic Conference

Washington, D.C.
The 2014 Brazil Economic Conference will address economic developments, including new trends and sectors that will continue to drive Brazil as an attractive market for foreign investment.  We will also engage in a debate about the current political landscape in the country and the challenges that will face the next president, to be elected in October. The roster of speakers for this annual milestone, organized to coincide with the fall meetings of the World Bank/IMF, is consistently comprised of such notable individuals as the Finance Minister of Brazil, President of the Central Bank, Brazilian and US Ambassadors, and CEOs and Presidents of various global corporations. Over 250 leaders from the Brazilian-American business community are expected to attend, including top executives from the public and private sectors, fund managers, financial analysts, members of the press and representatives of the academic and government spheres.
Speakers Include:
Ambassador Mauro VieiraAmbassador of Brazil to The United StatesEmbassy of Brazil
Ambassador José Alfredo Graça LimaSubsecretary-General of Political Affairs, Ministry of External Relations
Professor Luciano CoutinhoPresidentBDNES - The Brazilian Development Bank
Otaviano Canuto dos Santos Filho,Senior Advisor on BRICS Economies, DEC, World Bank Group
Paulo Nogueira Batista JuniorExecutive DirectorInternational Monetary Fund
Cassio A. Calil, Managing Director, Head of International Commercial BankingJPMorgan
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!

Sponsorship opportunities for this traditional program are available.  For further information please contactevents@brazilcham.com / 212-751-4691.

Please click here to register online.

Please click here to download registration form
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Media Partners
More information to follow!

Best regards,

Descrição: http://www.aberje.com.br/eventos/brday/detroit/2/1/mkt/mkt_guest_speakers.jpg

Thursday, July 31, 2014

..e quando semeava, uma parte da semente caiu à beira do caminho, e vieram as aves e comeram. E outra parte caiu em lugares pedregosos, onde não havia muita terra: e logo nasceu, porque não tinha terra profunda; mas, saindo o sol, queimou-se e, por não ter raiz, secou-se. E outra caiu entre espinhos; e os espinhos cresceram e a sufocaram. Mas outra caiu em boa terra, e dava fruto, um gerava cem, outro gerava sessenta e outro gerava trinta por um.

The House of Representatives just took a vote -- and it wasn't to raise the minimum wage, put in place equal pay, create jobs, or reform our broken immigration system.
Instead, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives just voted to sue the President for using his executive authority. This lawsuit will waste valuable time and potentially millions of taxpayer dollars.
This is the least productive Congress in decades. And instead of doing their job, they are suing the President for doing his.
The President is committed to making a difference for the millions of hardworking Americans trying to do right by their families and communities. While Republicans in Congress continue to waste taxpayer money, this President is going to keep doing his job.
President Obama remains ready and willing to work with Republicans in Congress if they decide to get serious and do something for the American people. But he is also committed to acting even as Congress won't. You've seen that time and time again this year -- from raising the federal minimum wage on new federal government contracts, to expanding apprenticeship opportunities and making student loan payments more affordable.
The President is not going to back away from his efforts to use his authority to solve problems and help American families. In fact, tomorrow, President Obama will announce his next executive action to crack down on federal contractors who put workers' safety and hard-earned pay at risk. It's just the next in a series of steps this Administration will be taking this year to make sure that American workers are getting a fair deal, and he has pledged to take executive action to deal with our broken immigration system in the months ahead.
That’s what this President is focused on. If you want to see it continue, and are sick and tired of stunts like the House Republicans’ lawsuit, then say so:

Enquanto o Brasil celebra a realização da Copa do Mundo de 2014, o BANCO DO BRASIL recebe uma coletiva de artes visuais sobre o valor e a tradição do futebol na cultura brasileira

Nova York, 16 de junho de 2014 - No Brasil, futebol não fica restrito aos estádios. Nos costumes e no dia-a-dia dos brasileiros esse esporte ou arte - como chamado por muitos - também está presente.

É essa manifestação cultural sobre o valor do futebol no Brasil que a exposição BRASIL ARTE & FUTEBOL vai apresentar ao público nova iorquino. A mostra acontece entre os dias 16 e 30 de julho de 2014, no BANCO DO BRASIL, que está localizado no número 11W da Rua 42, NY 10036, de segunda à sexta-feira entre 9:00h e 18:00h.

A exposição coletiva reúne obras em diferentes formatos e técnicas de diversos artistas brasileiros e americanos,  incluindo alguns artistas brasileiros radicados nos Estados Unidos. Eles apresentam pesquisas, vivências cotidianas e o imaginário popular sobre esse esporte que tantas emoções desperta em seu povo.

A exposição conta com um acervo que inclui pinturas sobre tela e papel, fotografias, documentário e multi-meios, além da performance musical do cantor Nanny Assis.

O lançamento de dois livros sobre futebol e um guia internacional de arte brasileira está na programação.

Os livros são "A Copa do Mundo é Nossa Ficção", de Afonso Oliveira de Almeida, e "Zico Uma Lição de Vida", de Marcos Vinícios Bucar Nunes, que é uma biografia de Zico, um dos jogadores mais reconhecidos do futebol brasileiro. A última obra será lançada em português e inglês. Ambos os livros são públicados pela editora Thesaurus.

O guia internacional de arte é o BRAZIL ART GUIDE. Publicado pela Revista DASARTES, é o primeiro guia de artes visuais brasileira publicado em inglês.

Os artistas participantes da mostra são: Roberta Pauli, Giselle Ortmann Gallo, Sabrina Maciel, Luciano Fonseca, Esthergilda, Mauro Laforga, Gregory Fink, Marcos Amaro, Baco Dantas, Jil Norberto, Fátima Campos, Ivone Vaccaro, Astride Roza, Elizabeth Bonaldi, Marie Jeanne Dusseck, Rene Nascimento, Washington Arléo, Ondina Moraes, Liz Carvalho, Fernando .Natalicci, Natália Lima, Gustavo Braga e Victorino
A exposição tem curadoria de Alcinda Saphira, Andreia Rosa e Malí Villas-Boas e produção do SAPHIRA STUDIO, Galeria Malí Villas-Boas, com apoio da Editora Thesaurus, Revista DASARTES e patrocínio do BANCO DO BRASIL
BRASIL, ARTE & FUTEBOL é um evento que faz parte do programa de Difusão Cultural de Artes Visuais do SAPHIRA STUDIO que visa divulgar o trabalho e promover o contato entre artistas brasileiros e de outras nacionalidades.

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A consultoria é um misto de conhecimento, muita informação, informação constantemente atualizada, empatia, percepção, sintonia interna e empatia, visão sistêmica, facilidade de encontrar caminhos e soluções, propensão e arte para a ação, novamente empatia, muito bom senso e muita facilidade de interação pessoal. Enfim, é simples, mas não é fácil!

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The White HouseThursday, July 31, 2014
President Obama's walk down Main Street
President Obama traveled to Kansas City, Missouri this week -- where he grabbed some BBQ with Americans who had written him letters, and delivered a speech about how he's working to get things done for hardworking Americans even as Congress chooses not to act to move this country forward.
And before he left, the President took a walk down Main Street (literally), spending time with store owners, touring an antique watch shop, and chatting with customers at a local coffee shop.
Watch President Obama take a walk down Main Street.
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The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

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Friday, October 10, 2014

Save the Date!

2014 Brazil Economic Conference

Washington, D.C.
The 2014 Brazil Economic Conference will address economic developments, including new trends and sectors that will continue to drive Brazil as an attractive market for foreign investment.  We will also engage in a debate about the current political landscape in the country and the challenges that will face the next president, to be elected in October. The roster of speakers for this annual milestone, organized to coincide with the fall meetings of the World Bank/IMF, is consistently comprised of such notable individuals as the Finance Minister of Brazil, President of the Central Bank, Brazilian and US Ambassadors, and CEOs and Presidents of various global corporations. Over 250 leaders from the Brazilian-American business community are expected to attend, including top executives from the public and private sectors, fund managers, financial analysts, members of the press and representatives of the academic and government spheres.
Speakers Include:
Ambassador Mauro VieiraAmbassador of Brazil to The United StatesEmbassy of Brazil
Ambassador José Alfredo Graça LimaSubsecretary-General of Political Affairs, Ministry of External Relations
Professor Luciano CoutinhoPresidentBDNES - The Brazilian Development Bank
Otaviano Canuto dos Santos Filho,Senior Advisor on BRICS Economies, DEC, World Bank Group
Paulo Nogueira Batista JuniorExecutive DirectorInternational Monetary Fund
Cassio A. Calil, Managing Director, Head of International Commercial BankingJPMorgan
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!

Sponsorship opportunities for this traditional program are available.  For further information please contactevents@brazilcham.com / 212-751-4691.

Please click here to register online.

Please click here to download registration form
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