Thursday, March 24, 2016

                          "Better to be happy than to be sad..."
This funny group is a little of than the Brazil has of best: A-R-T!

Lena Medeiros presents: "THE JOURNEY" / Celebrating 10 years Exhibitions in New York. 

The Senate deliberately refusing to schedule hearings or a vote on a president's Supreme Court nominee is unprecedented in recent history.

Good morning, folks --
In a few hours, I’ll be heading over to Georgetown University’s Law Center, where I’m going to speak to you about why it’s so vitally important that Chief Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination gets the consideration our Constitution affords it.
Now, between all the back-and forth you hear from all sides -- from pundits and from your own members of Congress -- I know it’s often hard to know what’s what in these political debates.
And that’s on all of us to fix. Our politics are clearly broken. But what we need to make sure right now is that Washington’s dysfunction doesn’t become a constitutional crisis.
At the end of the day, no matter your politics, this comes down to the simple but vital obligation that we all have to do our jobs.
Most Americans go to work every day understanding that they’ve got a job to do. There are days when you might not want to. But you don’t have the luxury of simply deciding not to work because it’s not convenient for you.
Neither should a United States Senator.
And right now, the United States Senate has a job to do. The Constitution has written a straightforward description of what that job calls for:
It says the President “shall” appoint someone to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, with the Senate’s “Advice and Consent.”
That includes consulting and voting. Voting in favor, or voting against – but voting.
Saying nothing, seeing nothing, reading nothing, and hearing nothing is not an option.
In my 36 years in the United States Senate, the Constitution was always our guidepost. Which meant that every single Supreme Court nominee got a hearing, a committee vote, and a floor vote. Period.
If our Senators don’t do that this time, it could be an entire year before the highest court in our nation is able to do its job the way the Constitution requires it to do.
Folks, this is important. And it affects every single one of us.
Vice President Joe Biden

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

More than 20 million Americans have gained health coverage under Obamacare.

More than 20 million Americans have gained health coverage under Obamacare.
Organizing for Action

More than 20 million Americans have gained health coverage under Obamacare.
More than 20 million Americans have gained health coverage under Obamacare.

Brazil: Midyear Economic and Political Outlook
                            NYC - USA

Paulo Vieira da CunhaPartner and Head of Research, EMVal Partners, LLC
Paulo Vieira da Cunha is a Partner and Head of Research at EMVAL Partners. Mr. Vieira da Cunha completed a two-year appointment as Deputy Governor at the Central Bank of Brazil, where he was also a member of the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM). For nearly a decade, he produced and managed research on Latin America for the global securities industry, first at Lehman Brothers and later at HSBC. Mr. Vieira da Cunha holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.

Márcio GarciaAssociate Professor, PUC-RIO
Márcio Garcia is associate professor at PUC-Rio, Brazil, since 1991, having already served as Department Chairman and Director of both Graduate and Undergraduate Studies. During 2013, he is visiting the Sloan School, MIT, and the NBER. He holds a Ph.D. from Stanford University Economics Department. His areas of research are International Finance and Monetary Economics. Marcio has been visiting professor/scholar at the economics departments of Stanford, Chicago, and MIT, in the US, and at Paris School of Economics (then, DELTA) and Université D'Evry-Val-D'Essone, in France. He has consulted for international and Brazilian institutions, as The World Bank, IMF, IADB, ECLAC/UN, BM&F Bovespa, BNDES, Icatu, ANBID, NEO Investimentos, and others. He is a member of the Bellagio Group.