Tuesday, October 29, 2019

All On The Line

Thanks to gerrymandering and an obscure loophole, a special interest-driven effort in Michigan is trying to push through anti-abortion legislation.

As the Washington Post reports, hyperpartisan redistricting has led to more extreme laws countrywide -- the most recent examples being the abortion restrictions passed in states like Georgia and Ohio.

Access to reproductive health care is on the line -- ending gerrymandering will be key to stopping these attacks on abortion. Help All On The Line fight for fair maps in states like Michigan.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

Right now, anti-abortion petitioners are exploiting a loophole in Michigan that allows a small group of citizens to work with the legislature to pass bills that are exempt from a governor's veto or a popular vote. And because of gerrymandering, this puts the power back into the hands of Republicans who unfairly hold the majority in the state legislature thanks to manipulated state electoral lines.

Even though Michigan voters elected a Democrat as governor who promised to veto anti-abortion bills, their voices might be overridden by anti-abortion special interest groups taking advantage of manipulated maps.

According to the Washington Post, states passed nine anti-abortion laws from 1973 through 2010. But since 2011, after the last redistricting cycle, that number tripled. In fact, states passed more abortion bans in 2019 alone than the nearly 40 years prior to 2011 redistricting.

Gerrymandering has a direct impact on issues like access to abortion. And it's unacceptable that elected officials have gerrymandered maps to ignore the voices of voters and cater to special interests. Make a donation to AOTL today to defend issues like health care that are on the line.

-- AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.


11:59 (há 6 horas)
para sula_costa

Artist Talk and Book Launch

Miguel Rio Branco | Maldicidade (TASCHEN, 2019)

Wednesday, November 13, 7:00 PM
Aperture Foundation  (
547 W 27th Street, 4th Floor)
Free and Open to the Public - RSVP 

Join the Consulate General of Brazil and TASCHEN at Aperture for the launch of Miguel Rio Branco's latest book, Maldicidade (TASCHEN, 2019). The evening will consist of an artist talk with Rio Branco and Fred Ritchin (Dean Emeritus of the International Center of Photography, ICP), followed by a book signing and a cocktail reception.
Copyright © 2016, Consulate General of Brazil in New York

Our mailing address is:
220 East 42nd Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY, 10017

Contact Us
Culture & Press

Phone: 917 777.7668

The Day Is Finally Here!
I'm so excited to announce that on Friday November 1st my first HBO Half Hour Special, "Super White" will premiere on HBO Latino!

Don't have HBO Latino? Don't worry. It'll immediately be available on all HBO platforms - HBOGoHBONOW and HBO On-Demand. So go sign up now or steal your cousin's password!*

I appreciate all your support throughout the years and hope you guys enjoy the special. Please help me get the word out and SHARE my posts, REPOSTRETWEET or TAG a FRIEND. Let's make some noise and spread the laughter!

*Erik doesn't really endorse the stealing of a password, but he does really want you to watch... so do what you got to do!
Entre Nos | Erik Rivera: Super White | Official Trailer | HBO Latino
New York City

NYC I'm so excited to come back home for a special night of comedy. To celebrate the release of my NEW Half Hour Special, in partnership with the New York Comedy Festival, HBO will host a night of comedy at the Comedy Cellar's Village Underground!

It's going to be a night of non-stop laughter - so join me and my friends as we take the stage at the World Famous Comedy Cellar! Tickets will SELL OUT so get them ASAP before it's too late.

www.ErikRivera.com | Super WhiteLos Angeles, CA 90210

Saturday, October 26, 2019

World Art Show promotes charity Auction at Orlando

The event will be happen out in November 7th at TONY'S RESTAURANT, to the 19hs, at Orlando - Florida.

Sula Costa's World Art Show Founder and Special Guest Artists from Sao Paulo,
The initiative of the direction of the World Art Show, which is established at Sao Paulo in the Ave. Pacaembu 1849, happened since the group of co-ordination of the enterprise what they work with research and development of projects of arts for the United States, knew the Non-profit organization, People Who Make A Difference, established by the businesswoman Márcia Romero, what there are 8 years works on behalf of the Brazilian community, besides answering, including citizens Hispânicos and Americans.

They have the organization if unfolded in a work of support to the population that has not Plan of Health and is a bearer of chronic disease. Many people need medical proceeding in the United States and face many financial obstacles.

Besides attending approximately 6000 families during these years, the Non-profit organization does an impeccable work in visits to the local community with the purpose of instructing and giving financial support to that which they need to restore his health with some type of treatment or medical proceeding which are very expensive.

The director of the enterprise World Art Show - Sula Costa, affirms that a relevant project as that one certainly will have the support of the artists accredited in his project for a charitable auction at least once to the year.
Besides artists who already have his works established in the Flórida/EUA, the plastic artists, established in Sao Paulo, will be the guest of honor because of having donated voluntariamente work for the realization of the event in the USA, which already have the date marked for the famous day of Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Continuing investigations and the after-shocks of Lava Jato are impacting corporate behavior, prosecutorial actions, and investor concerns. Invigorated use of anti-money laundering and asset forfeiture laws, plea bargaining and leniency agreements, and coordinated cross-border enforcement, have heightened extraterritorial risks for Brazilian corporations and individuals.

Join us for a panel discussion that will update Lava Jato related developments, highlight recent innovations in prosecuting white collar crime, and evaluate applicable legal defenses. The panel will also discuss the evolution of corporate compliance programs in Brazil, and best practices to protect against unlawful behavior.
Antonio Piccirillo, Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP

Robert J. Cleary, Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP
Eduardo Gaban, PartnerMadrona Advogados
Nick Berg, Partner Ropes and Gray LLP
Ben Cohen, Principal, Control Risks
Venue: Registration:
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce               Members: No Charge
485 Madison Ave (52nd Street)                                   Non-members: $50
New York, NY 10022
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Registration and networking
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Panel Discussion and Q&A
Reception to follow
Register Today

A Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF)
& Choaib, Paiva & Justo Advogados Associados
lhe convidam para um workshop sobre

Reforma Tributária

- Projeto de lei sobre a nova regulamentação cambial.
Impactos no Private Banking Internacional.
- Novas obrigações para o Banco Central e Receita Federal sobre estruturas estrangeiras. Informação sobre o último beneficiário.
- Substância econômica das empresas estrangeiras. Impactos no Brasil.
- Projetos de reforma tributária em tramitação no Congresso.
- Fiscalização do RERCT.

Palestrantes: Roberto Justo, Samir Choaib & Marcos Ferraz Paiva
Esse evento será conduzido em português

The East Miami
788 Brickell Plaza, 38th Floor
Miami, FL 33131
Taxa de Inscrição
Sócio BACCF: $45
Não-sócio: $70

Sexta-feira, 8 de novembro, 2019
8:30 A.M. às 11:00 A.M.
Inscreva-se aqui
About the BACCF
The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF) is an independent, non-profit business organization founded in 1981. Our mission is to foster business relations and partnerships in order to increase trade and investments between Brazil and South Florida.
Membership Directory
Facebook ‌ Instagram ‌ LinkedIn ‌
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231