Wednesday, February 8, 2023



Hi, it’s me again with a quick USO Home Team update!

We realized many of our supporters might not be familiar with all of the incredible programs and services the USO Home Team helps make possible for our service members, so we put together this inspiring photo journey for you to explore this team’s incredible impact.

I hope you’ll click here now to view the album and learn more about how the USO Home Team supports our courageous troops!

Service member in uniform driving vehicle following USO van


Every day of the year, the USO Home Team actively improves the lives of our service members and their families. From delivering essential supplies to troops in the field to making sure they can call their loved ones during the holidays — this team’s unwavering support helps show our troops that the American people appreciate everything they do to keep us safe. Please take a moment to learn more about what the USO Home Team makes possible.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about this generous group of exceptional supporters!

With gratitude,
Sydney Jones, USO

We're inviting you to our exclusive pre-State of the Union focus group →

In three short days, President Biden will deliver the annual State of the Union address. In just two years, President Biden has added a record number of jobs, expanded health care to millions of Americans, and passed major gun safety legislation.

But state Democrats are at the heart of the Biden-Harris agenda – they’re critical to passing progressive legislation to protect abortion access, improve infrastructure, and so much more.

So ahead of the speech, we’re surveying grassroots Democrats across the country for their opinions on the Biden-Harris agenda.

Will you join as 1 of 124 Democrats we need to represent your area in our digital focus group?


Republicans will do anything they can to block our progressive agenda, whether it’s at the federal level or the state level. So we need to know what’s important to you and other Democrats in your area as we fight back.

That’s why we’re exclusively asking you to represent your area in our pre-State of the Union Digital Focus Group to back the progress and accomplishments of President Biden.

Please take a moment to represent your area in our exclusive focus group:

Thank you,
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee


Kevin McCarthy kept his word.

After 4 proud years of service, I was just removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

I want to be perfectly clear: This political stunt is a personal one — the result of years of xenophobic, Islamophobic, and racist attacks that started the moment I was elected.

The far-right have spent millions of dollars in campaign ads against our movement stoking fear and division, and a constant stream of hateful and violent rhetoric has led to hundreds of death threats against me and my family.

Now, in their latest move, they've attempted to silence my voice and begin undoing the incredible progress our movement has helped make both at home and abroad.

I'm here to tell you that's not going to happen.

My commitment to justice for all people across the globe — no matter their race, religion, nationality, or anything else — does not begin or end with a committee assignment.

The simple truth is that McCarthy's actions to remove me from the Foreign Affairs Committee does absolutely nothing to address the issues our constituents deal with at home, or to promote the well-being of people around the world.

What it does is further enable his party's hatred and corruption, and promote fear and violence against Somali-Americans, Muslims, immigrants, and anyone else who shares my identity all across the country.

We already know that these attacks are just beginning, which is why it's so important that our progressive movement stays united, and is ready and able to fight back. So please:

Will you split a contribution — of $10 or any amount you can — between our campaign and The Collective PAC so we have the resources required to stand up to Kevin McCarthy and his far-right Republican allies? I would not ask if your support were not so important to our success.

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately and split between Ilhan Omar and The Collective PAC.

Nobody — not Kevin McCarthy, not the Republican Party, not the billionaires who fund them — will ever stop me in my fight for a more equitable, just, and peaceful world.

From tirelessly advocating for policies like a Green New Deal and Medicare for All at home, to standing up against violence and injustice worldwide, I promise that nothing will stand in the way of me doing what the people of Minnesota's 5th district elected me to do.

Thank you, as always, for being a part of our fight.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar