Tuesday, June 22, 2010

CCRM and IREO Announce Partnership to Promote the Implementation of Clean Energy Technology Transfer in Developing Countries to Improve Global Energy Security and Mitigate the Risks of Climate

In the wake of the COP15 Climate Summit in Copenhagen, the Columbia Consortium for Risk Management (CCRM) and the Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization (IREO) announce a partnership to help meet critical clean energy needs for developing countries. This goal addresses the main risks to global stability in the 21st century created by climate change and poverty.

The partnership will leverage the leading policy research and teaching capabilities of CCRM on the issues of climate risk management and clean energy technology, as well as IREO’s outstanding record of developing long-term partnerships between communities, governments, UN Agencies, and the private sector for sustainable energy programs.

IREO, CCRM, and Humanitad Foundation will co-organize a conference in the Middle East in October 2010, which will bring together various governmental and private sector stakeholders with the intention of taking concrete steps towards global and national policies that will lead to the development of enhanced energy supply critical for economic development while addressing the threat of climate change. This follows a November 12 forum that CCRM and IREO collaborated to hold at United Nations Headquarters in New York, which specifically addressed “Developing Financial and Technical Solutions for Small Island Developing States (SIDS)”.

According to Mr. Robson Mello, Secretary General of IREO, “The partnership between IREO and CCRM will develop a formula for the implementation of local sustainable energy programs that can be replicated globally and also enable developing countries to help address the risk of climate change.” Professor Graciela Chichilnisky, Director of CCRM and architect of the Kyoto Protocol’s carbon market, says “Following our introduction of negative carbon policies in the Copenhagen agreement, the carbon market can fund negative carbon energy sources that stimulate development and reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in low emitting nations of Africa, Latin America and small island states, thereby achieving an important objective of this partnership with IREO.”

About IREO

IREO aims to meet the environmental challenges posed by the development of human civilization by implementing pilot projects to educate and promote the use of renewable energies around the world. IREO’s vision is to build long-term partnerships and support with communities, governments, the United Nations Agencies, the private sector, NGOs, IGOs, academia and think tanks in order to bring sustainability to communities while creating a better and cleaner world. IREO is an intergovernmental organization formed through a Constituting Treaty by the Official Member States that agreed to form a Collaborative Intergovernmental Cooperative Free Agreement.

About CCRM

The Columbia Consortium for Risk Management generates and disseminates cutting-edge scientific information about the prediction and management of climate and other natural hazards, in combination with advances in risk management and financial engineering. Drawing on Columbia University's data and research in climate prediction and natural hazards, CCRM specializes in the prediction and management of complex and chaotic systems, securitization of insurance risks, fractal statistics, decision theory under uncertainty, financial engineering and stochastic analysis. The Consortium brings together leading researchers from within Columbia University and from around the world, regardless of institutional boundaries, to manage existing and emerging risks. CCRM has received major funding from the six largest reinsurance companies in the world and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) in Arlington, VA.

Photo: Robson Mello Secretary-General IREO, Teacher Graciela Chichilnisky Director of Columbia Consortium for Risk Management (CCRM), and Ambassador Francis Lorenzo of Dominican Republic.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

"A coragem é a primeira virtude do estadista. Sem ela, todas as outras virtudes desaparecem na hora do perigo. " [ Winston Churchill ]

O Brasil na ONU

O Brasil participa dos processos de tomada de decisão e do trabalho das Nações Unidas principalmente por meio de quatro representações permanentes — nas cidades de Nova York (Estados Unidos), Genebra (Suíça), Roma (Itália) e Paris (França).

A função das representações é acompanhar de perto a agenda da ONU, ter informações mais específicas sobre os trabalhos e ampliar a participação do país no sistema. As despesas são inteiramente custeadas pelo Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil.

Em Nova York
Na sede das ONU, em Nova York, o Brasil mantém a Missão Permanente junto às Nações Unidas , que é chefiada pela embaixadora Maria luisa Viotti. O quadro de serviço exterior — diplomatas, oficiais de chancelaria e assistentes de chancelaria brasileiros — é composto por 32 pessoas, sem contar os funcionários de outras nacionalidades.

Missão Permanente Junto às Nações Unidas
747 Third Avenue 9th floor
New York, NY 10017-2803, USA

Tel: (+1 212) 372-2600 - (+1 212) 372-2600 e 832-6868
Fax: (+1 212) 371-5716 e 758-9242
E-mail: delbrasonu@delbrasonu.org

Bissau – A Presidente da Configuração Especifica da Comissão das Nações Unidas para a consolidação da paz na Guiné-Bissau, Maria Luísa Viotti, visita a Guiné-Bissau,

A notícia foi avançada esta em Bissau, num comunicado de imprensa do Gabinete Integrado das Nações Unidas de Apoio à Consolidação da Paz na Guiné-Bissau (UNIOGBIS).

A deslocação da diplomata brasileira à Guiné-Bissau enquadra-se na sequência da aprovação, pelo Comité Nacional de Pilotagem do Fundo para a Consolidação da Paz, do exercício de revisão do quadro estratégico da solidificação da paz para a Guiné-Bissau.

De acordo com o UNIOGBIS, a visita da Comissão para a Consolidação da Paz das Nações Unidas tem como objectivo discutir com as autoridades nacionais e com os principais actores envolvidos no processo de reafirmação da paz na Guiné-Bissau, as prioridades das actividades da Comissão para a Consolidação da Paz das Nações Unidas para ano 2010.

Na sua deslocação ao país, Luísa Viotti é acompanhada por representantes diplomáticos, conselheiros e responsáveis do escritório de apoio à consolidação da paz, que irão manter encontros com autoridades nacionais e líderes religiosos, assim como com os representantes da comunidade internacional na Guiné-Bissau.

Segundo as Nações Unidas, a Comissão para a Consolidação da Paz é um órgão inter-governamental do Conselho da Assembleia Geral e do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas, criado em 2005 com a finalidade de apoiar os esforços das pessoas envolvidas no processo de consolidação da paz nos países em situação de pós-conflito, através da formulação e coordenação das estratégias integradas e da mobilização de recursos técnicos e financeiros.

A Guiné-Bissau integrou a agenda desta comissão em finais de 2007 e, neste quadro, beneficiou em 2008, de 6 milhões de dólares, para a implementação de projectos de reabilitação das casernas militares, de emprego jovem, de reabilitações de prisões e de apoio nas etapas eleitorais, entre 2008 e 2010.


What Is IREO?

Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization, IREO is an Intergovernmental Organization that works to promote the use of affordable, clean sources of renewable energy worldwide. It strives to make Alternative Renewable Energy sources a key-driver to eradicate the current depletion of our environment by the use of fossil fuels that has led to the climate change and energy crisis due to high prices and other factors we are now facing. IREO strives to achieve global energy security, and bridge the energy divide with a special priority for the Developing and the Least Developed Countries with a South to South Sustainable Development Approach.

IREO is formed through a Constituting Treaty between the Official Members States depicted in box below that agreed to form a Collaborative Intergovernmental Cooperative Free Agreement for the promotion of Alternative Renewal Energy Resources to promote scientific research, initiatives, and education in favor of international cooperation.

The term "Intergovernmental" means that the organization is formed by a Formal Legal Agreement between the Member States / Countries that have agreed to realize a specific set of goals.

IREO is headquartered in New York, USA.

IREO is led by a Secretary-General under Article Five of the Constituting Treaty.

IREO Adheres to: The Directives Associated with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961

IREO UN Status: IREO has a de facto status within the UN and the U.S.A. Its Multilateral Treaty will be submitted for registration on the early part of 2009 under Article 102 of the United Nations Charter. IREO will be submitting a petition for inclusion as an Intergovernmental Observer to the Economic and Social Council and the UN General Assembly in 2009.

IREO in Promoting the United Nations System strives to uphold the Directives Associated with the following UN GA Resolutions: Acknowledging the relevance of Alternative Renewable Energy Sources in the sustainable development agenda, Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (A/S-19/2) Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 Energy Articles 42-46. UN GA Resolutions: 62/209 South-South Cooperation, 62/161 The Right to Development.


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"Existem três tipos de pessoas: as que se preocupam até à morte,
 as que trabalham até à morte e as que se aborrecem até à morte."
 [ Winston Churchill ]