Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Live at Five (Eastern)
Each year, the President typically spends the days following a State of the Union address answering questions and elaborating on the plans he's laid out for the year. That can mean interviews with reporters, speeches across the country, or even chatting with folks from their homes.
But because we're constantly looking for ways to reach folks we don't usually get to talk to, today we're doing something different:
We've invited three of YouTube's top content creators to the White House to interview the President about the issues they -- and their audiences -- care most about.
Watch live at 5 p.m. ET


Watch this before midnight:
2014 has been a big year -- from economic milestones, to once-in-a-lifetime moments from behind the scenes of the presidency.
With just hours until 2014 officially comes to a close, now is the time to check out the White House's year in review feature.
What happened at the White House in 2014? A lot. Click here to see our 2014 year in review.Watch: Chief of Staff Denis McDonough gives you his take on the most important parts of the year.2014 was a busy year here at the White House. See the wrap-up, then pass it on.

O Julgamento do Grande Trono Branco E vi um grande trono branco, e o que estava assentado sobre ele, de cuja presença fugiu a terra e o céu; e não se achou lugar para eles. E vi os mortos, grandes e pequenos, que estavam diante de Deus, e abriram-se os livros; e abriu-se outro livro, que é o da vida. E os mortos foram julgados pelas coisas que estavam escritas nos livros, segundo as suas obras. E deu o mar os mortos que nele havia; e a morte e o inferno deram os mortos que neles havia; e foram julgados cada um segundo as suas obras. E a morte e o inferno foram lançados no lago de fogo. Esta é a segunda morte. E aquele que não foi achado escrito no livro da vida foi lançado no lago de fogo.” [Ap 20:11-15]

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Ariel Hyatt Mini Masterclass - Facebook

This is an important video to re-visit because I continue to get a positive feedback from those who have watched it.  I hope you get a few Ah-has from it.  
In this Facebook video you will learn:
  • The answer to the number one question I get asked about Facebook (every time) 
  • How to get your fans from you personal page over to your Fan Page 
  • How to get more 'likes' on your page 
  • The best strategies for making the ever-changing Facebook a powerful fan-engagement machine and a showcase for your music, list building and videos. 
  • In 2015 and beyond it is necessary to allocate a budget for Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts in order for your posts to be seen. So - don't forget to experiment with Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts in 2015 and beyond. Also, I say 1 post a day but you can drop it down to 3-4X a week. 

For the next two weeks I will be sharing with you 2 more Mini-Masterclass videos on Twitter and Pinterest so be sure to watch your inbox.   

Enjoy The Video!

Here's to your social success, 

Want MORE great tips to help you with your online presence?

My books are still on sale and at their lowest prices ever.

Interesting Image


In just a few minutes, I'll deliver my State of the Union address to the nation.
Let me know you'll be tuning in at 9 p.m. Eastern:
Thank you.
President Barack Obama

Preview the State of the Union -- load images.

Join us.
President Obama will deliver the State of the Union at 9:00 p.m. ET tonight. Before then, share this graphic to show your support -- and don't forget to tune in.

If you're standing with President Obama tonight, share this.

Tomorrow night, Barack will deliver his sixth State of the Union address.
That means tonight, he’ll be sitting down at his desk, reviewing each and every word to make sure his speech tells the most important story: yours.
For Barack, that is what this address is about. Not politics or partisanship, but the lives you lead, the challenges you face, and the future you hope to build for yourself and for your children. Every day, he reads those stories in the letters folks send to him from across the country.
Barack sat down to talk about what makes the address so personal for him, and what will make 2015 special.
I have the honor of watching Tuesday's speech with a few of the inspiring Americans who shared their story with Barack this year.
Anthony Mendez overcame every obstacle put in his way to become the first member of his family to graduate high school. Carolyn Reed opened her third sub shop in Colorado with help from a federal small business loan -- she and her husband now own seven. Victor Fugate worked hard to bounce back from unemployment, earn his degree, and find a job. Jason Gibson returned from Afghanistan without either of his legs. Today, he is recovering and his wife just gave birth to a baby girl.
Their grit and dedication represent what's best about this country, and while we have made so much progress, we have so much left to do to make sure all Americans have the opportunities they deserve to get ahead. That's what my husband will be talking about tomorrow.
First Lady Michelle Obama