Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Guilherme Arantes presented in this year in the event that  happened on May 16 at Brazil Grill, NYC, with great music and Art Exhibition by Rene Nascimento and Rogerio Martins.

The event was a total success, full house, great music, great art, beautiful people and excellent food! 
Pre-show party for Guilherme Arantes show, happened on May 18 at Iridum.
Great song and singer from Goiás State - Brazil.

                                                   Lu Alckimn | Person of the Year | Ne w York | LIDE Event

Já postulei inúmeras vezes a minha indignação sobre esse grupo de mafiosos que atuam setor advocatício de Anápolis – GO.
Apesar de todos saberem que e um relato verídico, eles continuam ai , e nunca uma providencia foi tomada.
Quando sai para dirigir um projeto nos EUA, em 2013, tive minha residência invadida por esses delinquentes. Uma situação traumática para os meus filhos.
Minha gente, são marginais, Armaram um esquema de corrupção no judiciário , usam o nome de um ex-cliente influente para aliciarem com oficiais de justiça, e arquivarem processos no Fórum de Anápolis. Todos os escritórios de advocacia de Anápolis são coordenados por esse grupo de assassinos, escarnecedores, que propoem o esquema mais catrastófico de difamação,além de subornar um assediador para assediar sexualmente quem os opõe. E isso mesmo minha gente, como se não bastasse os crimes que propoem nos seus escritórios, como trafico , homicídios, agora estão querendo manipular a alma humana.
Quando não conseguem o que querem, correm para seus terreiros diabólicos e como não bastasse subornar poderes terrenos, subornam o capeta meu povo!!!!
Castatrofica a mentalidade degeneradora desse grupinho de advogados que propoem os esquemas mais podres para sobressaírem, manipulam crianças sem o menor pudor , as ameaçam, estimulam a violência numa sagacidade horrenda afim de estarem por cima de qualquer situação, sendo que na verdade estão por trás, por trás dos seus machos , almejando mais 1 minuto de estupidez. (macho x macho)
São devassos, imorais,criminosos, assassinos, mentirosos, adúlteros,ladroes, avarentos e muito mais.
Estao ai meu povo, super bem localizados, no setor central de Anápolis, no coração da cidade, manipulando o crime organizado,incentivando as crianças ainda mais ao crime, a marginalização.
O que me encabula e a falta de punição, são mais de 20 escrituras publicas desviadas, mais de 30 laranjas “amigáveis”, rotulados de uma boa aparência impecável, em seus terninhos camuflados de soberba , calunia, intriga e difamação.
O Ministério Publico já foi acionado , cabe a sociedade não se deixar levar por esses endemoniados, que fazem qualquer negocio por um bom trocado.
Me da um despespero ver crianças sendo manipuladas e coagidas por esses bandidos, essa velha macumbeira , essa v. dissimulada que se vende para alienar minha filha a esses bandidos. Fica Aqui o meu BERRO de SOCORRO e que a sociedade ACORDE, e que as AUTORIDADES tomem providencia a esses SANGUINÁRIOS DESGRAÇADOS!

The White House, Washington
My dad had something he used to say to me:
“A job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about dignity and respect.”
Part of what he meant by that, I think, is that without the ability to provide for your family, you’re deprived of your dignity.
That’s the fundamental spirit behind a big change our Administration made today to modernize our overtime rules: Making sure hard work is rewarded with fair pay.
The change we’re making today is straightforward:
Right now, you're guaranteed overtime if you’re an hourly worker, but if you’re salaried, you’re only automatically guaranteed overtime if you make less than $23,660. If you’re a manager on salary and you work an extra 10, 20, 30 hours a week -- you often don’t get paid a dime more for those additional hours. That’s simply wrong.
Starting in December, we're making sure that more workers get paid fairly for the overtime hours that they work. With this new rule, we’re increasing the cutoff for automatic overtime for salaried workers to $47,476 -- most salaried workers making less than $47,476 will be guaranteed overtime pay for working more than 40 hours a week.
Companies will have a choice: Pay their workers for the extra hours they put in, or cap their hours at 40 hours a week. For over 4 million workers, this change means they’ll either get a bump in pay or will get more time with their families if they work more than 40 hours a week. Or more time to go back to school or get additional job training.
Today, I’ll head to Columbus, Ohio to visit a business, an ice cream company called Jeni’s, with 600 employees around the country. They’ve got a management that understands what “fair” means. They’ve already begun making changes to guarantee overtime to some of their managers.
You can learn more and listen in right here.
The law since the 1930s has said that anyone working more than 40 hours a week is working overtime. And if you’re working overtime, you should get paid for it. We can’t allow folks with families to support to work long hours without being paid fairly for it.
It’s not right. So today, we’re doing what we can to fix it.
The President and I have been laser-focused on rebuilding the basic middle-class bargain that used to exist, and that both parties have signed on to. What it comes down to is that if you contribute to the success of the company that employs you, you should get paid fairly for it. Because of the Administration’s efforts to rebuild that basic bargain, the economy has gone from crisis to recovery to resurgence. Wages are on track to rise this year by over 3 percent. Today’s expansion of overtime protections will build on this momentum.
That’s how you increase access to the middle class. But we know we have more work to do and we’re going to keep going right through the finish line.
You can tune in to the event in Ohio right here.
See you out there.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

 Depois de apresentar em New York um dos cenários artísticos mais interessantes e vivos da atualidade, a artista plástica Lisandra Miguel, que retornou ao Brasil na semana passada, prossegue exibindo suas obras , só que agora com um convite privilegiado. A artista foi convidada pelo ator Bruno Gissoni, para uma exposição em sua própria casa. A exposição aconteceu neste ultimo fim de semana. Lysandra Miguel tornou-se conhecida pelas obras com traçados modernos, sempre expressando o ser humano e seu cotidiano,está com grandes expectativas para o ano de 2016, e, seguira  expondo sua arte na Alemanha e também no Louvre,Paris - France.

                                   A artista plástica Lisandra Miguel e o ator Bruno Gissoni
                                                     Fotos |Créditos: Thiago Pimenta


Just announced: President Obama is extending overtime pay to millions more Americans
Every week, millions of Americans work more than 40 hours but do not receive the overtime pay they have earned.
President Obama is taking action to fix that: In a note to signers of a We the People petition, the President announced that tomorrow the Department of Labor will finalize a rule to extend overtime protections to 4.2 million more Americans.
Check out the President's note:
I wanted you to be the first to know about some important news on an issue I know you care deeply about: making sure you're paid fairly.
If you work more than 40 hours a week, you should get paid for it or get extra time off to spend with your family and loved ones. It's one of most important steps we're taking to help grow middle-class wages and put $12 billion more dollars in the pockets of hardworking Americans over the next 10 years.
For generations, overtime protections have meant that an honest day's work should get a fair day's pay, and that's helped American workers climb the ladder of success. That's what middle-class economics are all about.
But after years of inflation and lobbyists' efforts to weaken overtime protections, that security has eroded for too many families.
One of the many Americans who has been working hard but struggling to keep up is a single mom from Tucson, Arizona, Elizabeth Paredes. As an assistant manager at a sandwich shop, Elizabeth sometimes worked as many as 70 hours a week, without a dime of overtime pay. So Elizabeth wrote to me to say how hard it is to build a bright future for her son.
And she's not alone: Today just 7 percent of workers qualify for overtime pay based on their salaries. Compare that with 1975, when more than 60 percent of workers qualified for overtime pay based on their salaries.
This policy just hasn't kept up with the times.
The fundamental principle behind overtime pay comes from a Depression-era law called the Fair Labor Standards Act, which helps ensure that workers who put in more than 40 hours per week should generally get paid more for that extra time. I directed Secretary of Labor Tom Perez and the Department of Labor to update and modernize the overtime rules and uphold that principle.
It doubles the salary threshold and automatically updates it every three years. The rule takes effect December 1.
This is a step in the right direction to strengthen and secure the middle class by raising Americans' wages. When workers have more income, they spend it -- often at businesses in their local community -- and that helps grow the economy for everyone.
Americans have spent too long working long hours and getting less in return. So wherever and whenever I can make sure that our economy rewards hard work and responsibility, that's what I'm going to do. Every hardworking American deserves a paycheck that lets them support their families, gain a little economic security, and pass down some opportunity to their kids. That's always worth fighting for.
Thanks for raising your voice on this critical issue -- we couldn't have done it without you.
President Barack Obama
Learn more about the update to overtime pay.



A wise woman once said that one is not born a woman, but rather becomes one. What makes a woman? Strength. Resilience. Compassion. Beauty from within. When I think of what it means to be a woman, I stand a little taller because I know I stand on the shoulders of women who came before me and paved the way.
My mom, Diana Ross, is one of those women. She's both nurturing and fierce, graceful and courageous. She set an example for me to be empowered, to have a voice, and to build a full life for myself. And there are countless other women who inspire and remind me of the individual and collective power of women.
Women are always breaking new records and forging new paths. We build on the accomplishments of those who came before us.
On June 14, the White House will host women from all over the country at the United State of Women Summit. We will celebrate extraordinary women who are creating change and growth in our world -- women who are doing great things.
If there's a woman in your life who inspires you like my mom has always inspired me, somebody who strives to help everybody around her achieve their greatest, we want her to be there. We want her to stand with President Obama and the First Lady.
I know there are so many women out there who are lifting up their friends, their neighbors, and their communities. We want to meet these incredible women.
Every woman who carves out a space for other women in her community or profession and every woman who raises her voice to fight for an issue she cares about is changing what it means to be a woman in America.
Together, we are so powerful.
Tracee Ellis Ross