Wednesday, April 8, 2020


What happened in Wisconsin yesterday was a travesty. Our fellow citizens were forced to make an impossible choice that no one should ever have to make in a democracy: Put your health and your family’s health at risk by casting a ballot or stay home and have your voice silenced.

Let me be clear: Wisconsin’s gerrymandered legislature and the state Supreme Court put Wisconsinites in this unconscionable position. They abdicated their sworn duty to keep citizens of the state safe and to ensure fair elections, all so conservatives could win a state Supreme Court seat that was on the ballot yesterday.

But Wisconsin won’t be the last state where gerrymandered legislatures elevate their political interests above the health and safety of their constituents.

Democracy itself is at stake in 2020. Can you make a donation to help the NDRC end gerrymandering and restore fairness to our democracy?

The problem is much bigger than Wisconsin, Sula. It extends to the U.S. Supreme Court, which refused to push back Wisconsin’s absentee ballot deadline. As Justice Ginsberg wrote in her dissent, “the court’s order, I fear, will result in massive disenfranchisement.”

The fact is, Wisconsin is a microcosm of the nation. Politicians in a number of other gerrymandered states are working to limit safe voting options like vote-at-home and extended early voting.

We’re fighting back, Sula. This moment is a test for our democracy and we can’t let politicians who are bound and determined to silence the will of the people hold on to power. But I need your help. Can you make a donation to protect our elections in 2020 and ensure an end to gerrymandering in 2021?
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Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
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Fitch Ratings - Register Now
Webinar: Coronavirus Credit Scenarios - Baseline and Downside Cases 
Thursday, 9 April 2020 | 9:30 AM (EDT) | 2:30 PM (BST) 
Fitch has published a common set of baseline and downside-scenario parameters against which all ratings groups globally are evaluating the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. As part of our portfolio review, rating actions will be taken in line with expected trajectories under the baseline scenario.

Core assumptions for our baseline case include a two- to three-month lockdown in key economies with a five- to six-week period of peak movement restrictions. Fitch's downside scenario differs from its baseline case with a hypothetical re-emergence of infection in major economies, prolonging the health crisis and confidence shock.
Following prepared comments we will open for Q&A. Please submit your questions via the ‘Q&A’ box within the webinar console or to Questions will be addressed during the webinar.
Key Speakers:
  • Jeremy Carter, Chief Credit Officer
  • Katie Falconi, Regional Credit Officer
  • Aymeric Poizot, Global Head, Investor Development (moderator)
Related Research:
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30 North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5GN
300 W. 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 

*Webinar em Português

A Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF)
lhe convida para participar
do Webinar mais importante para o seu negócio:

Carlos Mariaca (BIO)
Managing Partner da Center Group / Membro do Conselho, e Presidente 2013, da BACCF
Continuidade e Recuperação de Negócios
•      Revisão dos programas de assistência do governo para Small Businesses 
•      Opções para indivíduos
•      Outras alternativas e soluções
Data: Quinta-feira, 09 de abril de 2020
Hora: 3:00 PM EST (16:00 hrs Brasil)

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Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231
Understanding the different options of SBA Assistance Loans
On April 3rd, 2020 the SBA (Small Business Administration) opened its system to receive applications for the most aggressive stimulus package to protect jobs and businesses during COVID-19 pandemic, the so called PPP (Paycheck Protection Program). However, PPP is only one of the programs available to Small Businesses with less than 500 employees.

The SBA is offering different relief options to assist businesses in the US and we have summarized them for you on the attachment.

The unprecedented stimulus package includes forgivable loans, long-term repayment period (up to 30 years), no fees, no collateral in some cases and ultra low interest rates. Some programs are available directly on the SBA website and other programs are offered via financial institutions. Please open the attachment to see which program is adequate to your business.
Timing is of the essence as funds will be available on a first come, first serve basis and are limited. 

We understand this process could be overwhelming and we are here to assist. Please count on us in compiling or reviewing the application and reviewing your employer credit, once the loan is approved. We may also guide you in determining which SBA loan is best option for you or your company.

Feel free to contact our Client Relations department, Rosangela De Morais by emailing

Rosangela De Morais, Senior Client Relations Executive
(305) 774-2945

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We would like you to get more involved!
Join a BACCF Committee
As a member of the BACCF, 
you have the option of becoming a volunteer in the area of your interest with minimal time commitment. 
*Committee participation is for members only.
Wealth Management; Insurance, Lending, Mortgage & Real Estate; Money Transfers & Remittances, Payment & Billing, Blockchain & cryptocurrency.
Creates events focusing on the needs of the area; Membership drives; Develops relationships with other chambers of commerce and local organizations
Open forum to discuss new business models of successful entrepreneurship and understanding innovation; Bi-monthly meetings are held for the exchange of ideas and to share case studies
Creation and development of value-added benefits/programs for the members; Supervises all BACCF publications; issues press releases regarding chamber functions; distributes transcripts of speeches, etc; Supervises website; Supervises Chamber News Online
Membership Drives; Business Card Exchanges; New Members Breakfasts; Retention of Members through personal visits; Renewals
Lines up speakers and topics for monthly luncheons; Elaborates special events programs; Responsible for social functions; Creates new events to promote trade and networking opportunities
Provide young professionals and entrepreneurs opportunities to develop socially, professionally, and civically; Social Events - Happy Hours; Business Workshops; Enhance the vitality of South Florida by creating a strong community of young professionals and entrepreneurs within the BACCF; Values: leadership, connections, community and development
Click Here to Join a Committee
Please note that due the coronavirus the BACCF is organizing a series of webinars. Committee “meetings” will focus their area of interest to bring pertinent topic to our members and friends.
Visit our website
Connect with us
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231

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APRIL 2020 - VOL34
As a result of the Governor’s mandate that we all stay home to slow the spread COVID-19, the IC campus has been very quiet. There are however, a number of tenants working on critical COVID-19 response efforts that offer inspiration to us and that we wanted to share with you.

Malia Mills is spearheading the South Brooklyn NYC EDC initiative to manufacture thousands of medical gowns, while iMakrFABberz, and RBW have produced 1000+ medical eye shields and need your help. Joe Tsai, owner of the Brooklyn Nets, has donated 2000 ventilators, 2.6 million masks + 170,000 goggles.

We hosted a webinar on the CARES Act and other resources for small businesses to deal with the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Give back + support small business with purchases: Swatch hub is creating personalized face masks, while Standard Wormwood Distillery + Barrows Intense are both producing hand sanitizer, with some profits being donated to local bars. And for your grocery and food needs, there are some IC vendors that can fill those orders!
For all the latest follow us on Instagram PLUS enjoy all your favorite IC programing digitally. From mediation to live music, let's keep in touch. Programming line up below. 
Wednesday, Apr 8 | 3 - 3.30pm
IC Instagram Live
Whether you need some background music for your work from home, or just simply want to relax and be transported by Rebecca the Harpist and her ethereal sounds, here’s your opportunity.
SATURDAY: Rock + Roll Playhouse
Saturday, Apr 11 | 1 - 2pm
IC Facebook Live
This signature IC weekend program is coming to your living-room via IC’s Facebook Live!
SUNDAY: Songs + Shenanigans
Sunday, Apr 12 | 3 - 3.30pm
IC Instagram Live
The Saturday tradition with music + brews at Big Alice continues online.
MONDAY: Meditation
Monday, Apr 13 | 9 - 9.15am
IC Instagram Live
Join us on our Instagram Live, every Monday morning, to start your week off with a little breathing space via a live meditation led by Libby Nicholaoufrom our partner Setu.