Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Vejo meu trabalho como novo naturalismo, as imagens retratadas são recordações  da infância, de lugares por onde passei,  e o local onde vivo, pra  mim é  um constante retorno a natureza enquanto preservada, pura e equilibrada
Tela Rio Brilhante, inspirada no rio situado na aldeia dos Krahôs no Tocantins/TO, lugar onde vivi por 4 anos, pintura acrílica sobre lona 100x200cm -
disponível para venda - para comprar entre em contato pelo email
Tela Mata Azul, inspirada Floresta Amazônica, pintura acrílica sobre lona 100x200cm
disponível para venda - para comprar entre em contato pelo email

Sobre: nasci na beira do rio Cuiabá/MT, meu pai era um índio boliviano da etnia Xiquitano minha mãe filha de índia Bororo com Português, meu primeiro contato com a natureza foi onde nasci e cresci com meus pais e  irmão: tomando banho de rio, caçando pescando plantando a roça e coletando frutos do Cerrado, em 1979  em Brasília/DF,  que conheci obras de vários pintores brasileiros como Antônio Parreiras, Manuel Santiago, Di Cavalcante, Alfredo Volpi entre outros,envolvido por esse universo da arte começa seus primeiro desenhos influenciado pelo surrealismo de Salvador Dali faz uma série de pinturas.
saiba mais clique aqui


The White House, Washington
In 1974, I led an expedition to explore the great New England Seamount Chain. Thousands of feet underwater, the chain includes four underwater volcanic mountains that formed over 100 million years ago when the North American plate migrated over a "hot spot" -- an area where heat rising through the earth melts rock into magma, creating massive undersea volcanoes like in the Hawaiian Islands.
Standing high above the surrounding ocean floor, these massive undersea mountains are visible oases of life in an otherwise vast, undersea desert. On their rocky slopes, fragile deep sea corals feed in the nutrient rich waters that flow past.
Protecting these unique habitats is critical to the survival of not only these beautiful coral gardens, but also the small fish and other marine creatures that call these magical gardens home. They need these nurseries of the very deep in order to survive. And we need them -- as a foundational element of our food chain.
That’s why I am so pleased that today President Obama designated the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument -- protecting these mountains and canyons, their surrounding area, and the wildlife they sustain for our future.
As the first-ever national marine monument established in the Atlantic Ocean, this designation is vital to both the ongoing protection of some of our most important underwater ecosystems and the future climate resiliency of our oceans, which are essential guardians of our future.
The monument will provide refuge for protected animals, like sea turtles and whales, as well as species of coral found nowhere else on Earth. It also encompasses three underwater canyons that are even deeper than the Grand Canyon.
Protecting this area bolsters the sea’s ability to sustain itself, but it is also critical to protecting ourselves -- and our future. It’s also an ongoing reflection of President Obama’s commitment to conservation. To date, he has protected more land and water than any other president in history.
That’s pretty incredible.
I hope you’ll take a moment to explore this awe-inspiring deep sea wonder and celebrate our first Atlantic monument with me.

Visit WhiteHouse.gov


At Attention 2016! we will challenge you to think differently about capturing, keeping and maximizing consumer attention. And, because we are eMarketer, the day will be framed with actionable data.

A select group of eMarketer analysts will put the data in perspective throughout the day. Join us at Attention! 2016 and take advantage of this great opportunity to engage with some of the best minds in digital. We're sure you’ll have plenty of questions!
Cathy Boyle, Principal Analyst
Mobile marketing and advertising, mobile media consumption,
m-commerce, wearables and emerging technology.
Debra Aho Williamson, Principal Analyst
Social media including platforms, advertising, users and usage, analytics and influencer marketing.
Bryan Yeager, Senior Analyst
Mobile payments, marketing technology, personalization, immersive experiences, digital identity and other emerging areas at the intersection of digital marketing, media and commerce.
Lauren Fisher, Senior Analyst
Emerging advertising technology trends and platforms including programmatic advertising, cross-device targeting, attribution, data management platforms and marketing automation.
Paul Verna, Senior Analyst
Digital video, including monetization, content, audience metrics, and platforms.

Attention! is limited to 250 senior brand, publishing and agency executives. See which companies are attending, check out the full agenda and secure your ticket today.
We look forward to seeing you at Attention! 2016 on October 25 in New York City.

Register Now

Cyber PR

Last week, I went over the importance of having a newsletter as well as the basics of how to write one effectively. 
This week on CyberPRMusic.com, I share 5 critical things you should always include in your newsletter:

So – as you know, I am a newsletter evangelist!
I believe it is the NUMBER ONE thing that will help you create a career in the music industry; communicating with your fan base regularly and consistently. 
If you do not already have a schedule mapped out for sending your newsletters –get your calendar out NOW and pencil in 12 dates – 1X per month (I suggest you send your newsletter 2X per month but start with once a month and grow from there).

Studies show that the best days to send newsletters (for the highest open rates) are Wednesdays and Thursdays so make sure to send them out mid week.
Here are 5 critical things to keep in mind as you are crafting your newsletters:
1. Keep Your Subject Line to 55 Characters
Most e-mail programs cut off the subject line after  55 and 60 characters, so keep your subject line short and sweet, and to the point; five to six words max.

To read all 5 critical things to keep in mind when writing your newsletter click here!

Gearing up for a fall/winter release? Use The Cyber PR Music PR Chesk Sheet and make sure all of your i's are dotted and t's are crossed so you can make the most out of your release!

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                                Please RSVP to hiroko@nyceventspaces.com  
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Os grandes Clubes da Europa estão de olho em você!

Para mudar o cenário atual do futebol brasileiro, e aumentar a chance de acesso de jovens talentos ao esporte, surgiu o Projeto SLE (Soccer Life Experience).
O projeto é amparado por um grupo de negócios com expertise em formação de atletas, composto por empresas brasileiras e parceiros europeus, e atua proporcionando aos jovens atletas amantes do futebol a oportunidade de treinar em um clube Europeu.
Ficou interessado? Acesse o site, conheça mais sobre o projeto e solicite a sua participação!