Sunday, January 8, 2017

BELA Bienal faz sua segunda edição no Rio e prepara para apresentação em mais de 6 estados brasileiros em 2017.

Criado pelo carioca Edson Cardoso, proprietário da AVA Galleria em Helsinque, na Finlândia, a Bienal Europeia e Latino-Americana de Arte Contemporânea (BELA Bienal) fez sua estreia em 2012, na cidade do Porto, em Portugal. Edson levou o evento à sua cidade natal, onde ocupou o primeiro andar da Galeria Scenarium, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro em 2016. Como sugere o nome, o objetivo é promover um diálogo cultural entre Europa e América Latina. Esteve presente em duas galerias em New York em dezembreo de 2016, onde esteve presentes noventa artistas de Finlândia, Suécia, Noruega, Dinamarca, Alemanha, França, Argentina e Brasil. Em janeiro, o Museu Histórico Nacional recebe um braço da Bienal, com obras dos mesmos artistas.
Para 2017 o curador carioca Edson Cardoso reuniu um grupo de assessores , artistas plasticos, onde mencionou seu objetivo: levar a fantástica BIENAL BELAS ARTES para pelo menos 6 estados brasileiros em 2017.

Altar: obra da finlandesa Antti Raitala

Daniel Azulay expõe obra sobre conscientização no trânsito

Daniel Azulay expõe obra sobre conscientização no trânsito

O artista plástico Daniel Azulay que expôs a tela “Movidos à Álcool em Ipanema”, durante a Bela Bienal, na sua passagem pelo estado do Rio de Janeiro, na Galeria Scenarium em 2015. A obra representa um alerta sobre os riscos da combinação perigosa entre álcool e direção. “O alto índice de acidentes e atropelamentos no trânsito em todo o país me inspirou a criar a imagem trêmula do ponto de vista de um bêbado, ao volante na Praia de Ipanema”, contou.
A tela foi feita em 2013. Desde então, Azulay recebeu diversos convites para colaborar com palestras e desenhos animados para a Campanha Nacional de Trânsito do Denatran e da Operação Lei Seca.

Organizada pela AVA Galeria, de Helsinque, na Finlândia, pelo Instituto Cultural Nórdico 
Brasil Finlândia (ICNBF) e pela L. Bumachar Consultoria Empresarial, a mostra apresenta 
uma série de telas e instalações em diversos estilos artísticos da contemporaneidade, 
promovendo um diálogo cultural entre a Europa e a América Latina.

Na mostra estão trabalhos de brasileiros, como Daniel Azulay, Vanessa Gerbelli e Ivald 
Granato, além dos estrangeiros Antti Raitala, Bernille Stougaard, Jussi Goman, Maria 
Märkälä, Martin Berge e Anssi Törrönen. Uma das instalações de destaque, chamada
 “Altar”, foi criada pela finlandesa Antti Raitala. De acordo com a artista, a obra é um
a metáfora sobre a natureza e o trabalho humano.


19/01 A 23/02 NYC

<p>cristina canale</p><p><strong>blitz und donner,</strong> 2016</p><p>técnica mista sobre tela </p><p>100 x 120 cm</p><p> </p><p> </p>

A Galeria Nara Roesler tem o prazer apresentar a primeira exposição de Cristina Canale em sua sede em Nova York, artista que faz parte de seu elenco desde 2003. Em Things and Beings,as 12 pinturas e 10 aquarelas reunidas, concebidas de 1990 a 2016, oferecem um panorama resumido da produção de uma das mais importantes pintoras contemporâneas brasileiras.
Egressa de uma emblemática geração no Brasil que retomou a pintura no início da década de 1980, Cristina Canale manteve-se ao longo de toda sua carreira coerente à sua essência de pintora, mesmo vivendo na Alemanha desde 1993, quando a força de outros suportes como instalação vídeo e fotos predominavam no ambiente artístico.

Estes trabalhos, indicadores de mais de duas décadas de produção, revelam o virtuosismo de uma pintura sublinhada por complexas composições, ora com planos inchados e variáveis espessuras de camadas de tinta, ora com soluções liquefeitas. Em suas telas e desenhos, narrativas aparentemente triviais, construídas a partir de particular figuração, estão sempre prestes a se dissolver em abstração.

Segundo a artista, alguns aspectos influenciaram a sua obra: a paisagem sinuosa e de grande profundidade do Rio de Janeiro, o convívio com as curvas modernistas de Oscar Niemeyer na cidade carioca, o contato com a natureza (paisagem tropical) e o confronto do geometrismo presente na arquitetura, na programação visual e na arte no Brasil, em especial no Rio de Janeiro. “Este coquetel de visualidade tem muito a ver com o meu trabalho, enquanto a minha presença na Alemanha se explica dentro do meu interesse pela tradição da pintura e no contexto de sua retoma na década de 80”, afirma Canale. 

Com imagens reveladas, ou veladas, pois, como disse certa vez o crítico Tiago Mesquita, “as suas figuras parecem imagens encontradas nos movimentos das nuvens ou nos contornos das ondas deixadas a beira mar”, Canale encontra seu arsenal poético em cenas cotidianas, domésticas, compostas por pessoas, mulheres, bichos, coisas e natureza.Em Things and Beings (Ser e as coisas), ao trazer seu variado vocabulário pictórico, é possível perceber uma afetividade latente a percorrer a materialidade dos objetos, os pequenos gestos, as paisagens, os seres retratados, as atmosferas cênicas. 

Conforme a crítica Luisa Duarte, passados trinta anos do início da trajetória da artista, essa tensão que visa desconstruir uma vontade de ordem e perenidade - ou melhor, escolhe habitar um espaço ‘entre’, que transita pela abstração, as linhas e a evocação de figuras, tudo isso em grandes manchas de cor - é vista em cada uma das obras de Things and Beings (Ser e as Coisas), doando uma coesão aguda para a exposição como um todo. Suas casas são triângulos, as flores são linhas, um chapéu desmancha-se até tornar-se pura massa de cor, o cabelo torna-se círculos e cones. É assim, deixando que um vocabulário prosaico da vida comezinha apareça erigido sob formas abstratas que essas pinturas se infiltram na cesura entre Ser e coisa, entre o que é perene e o que é transitivo. Essa obra escolhe entrelaçar de maneira conflituosa, pois é justamente no curto-circuito que reside a sua potência, o que é do mundo, o que passa, o que é próximo e o que é pura abstração.”, completa a crítica brasileira. MORE INFORMATION:

Jonathas de Andrade (b. 1982), one of the most promising Brazilian artists of his generation.

“Jonathas de Andrade: O Peixe” is the first solo museum presentation in the US of the work of Jonathas de Andrade (b. 1982), one of the most promising Brazilian artists of his generation. Over the last decade, de Andrade has developed works in photography, video, and installation that stem from observations of everyday life in Brazil and what he regards as its “urgencies and discomforts.” In particular, many of de Andrade’s works consider how Brazilian national identity and labor conditions have been constructed against a backdrop of colonialism and slavery.
De Andrade’s works also attend to the ways in which attitudes and emotions are shaped—and governed—by images, social conventions, and political ideologies. In his diverse examinations of Brazilian culture and history, he reinterprets the methodologies of education and the social sciences, using nuances of fiction, artifice, and appropriation to undermine assumptions and confound the sensation of truth.
De Andrade’s most recent video, O peixe [The Fish] (2016), borrows the style of ethnographic films that anthropologists make to record the cultures and traditions they study. In a series of vignettes shot on 16 mm film, we witness what seems to be an intimate ritual among fishermen in a coastal village in northeastern Brazil. De Andrade’s camera follows individual fishermen as they catch and then hold their prey to their chests. Alternating expressions of domination and pathos, the fishermen forcefully yet tenderly embrace each fish until it stops breathing. The gesture that appears as a ritual here, however, is one that the artist has invented, as if to push a deliberately exoticizing portrait to the limits of plausibility.
While the ostensible subjects of O peixe are the fish and fishermen depicted, the absence of language and text in the film generates a poignant ambiguity and invites a range of interpretations: one might feel empathy and grief in witnessing death, or heartened by an expression of solidarity with the natural world, or captivated by the peculiar sensuality of this animistic rite. Beneath these responses, however, lurks an understanding that this gesture disguises violence as benevolence and suggests a symmetry between the power that humans wield over other life forms and the power they wield over one another.
“Jonathas de Andrade: O Peixe” is curated by Natalie Bell, Assistant Curator.
Jonathas de Andrade was born in Maceió, Brazil, and lives and works in Recife, Brazil. Recent and forthcoming solo exhibitions include the Power Plant, Toronto (2017); Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro (2015); Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht (2014); and Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon (2013). He has exhibited in the São Paulo Biennial (2016), SITE Santa Fe Biennial (2016), Performa 15 Biennial (2015), the Gwangju Biennial (2014), the Dakar Biennial (2014), the Lyon Biennial (2013), and the New Museum Triennial (2012), among other major exhibitions. His work has also been included in recent group exhibitions at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2016); the Logan Center for the Arts, Chicago (2016); and the Guggenheim Museum, New York (2014).


This exhibition is made possible by support provided by the Toby Devan Lewis Emerging Artists Exhibitions Fund.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Join Us on January 18, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PMLocation: Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, New York

On January 18, 2017, GS&MD Gouvêa de Souza will gather over 300 leaders of the retail sector at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel for the Retail Executive Summit – 2017.
The panel of speakers will feature:
• Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve System (1987-2006)
• Jeff TurnasPresident365 by Whole Foods
• Zeina LatifChief Economist,  XP Investimentos
• Tod JohnsonChairman & CEONPD Group
• Flavio RochaPresident, Riachuelo
• Speakers from Apple and Facebook
• Marcos TroyjoProfessor and Coordinator of BRIC LabColumbia University
In addition to the presentations, advisors of Grupo GS& and special guests, a team of over 20 specialists who are participating and supporting the delegation this year, will share the most relevant trends showcased at the 2017 NRF, providing a better understanding of what had been shown at the event.
Several leaders of organizations such as Boticário, Beleza Natural, Centauro, Drogaria Onofre, Farmácia Pague Menos, Fnac, Itaú, Leo Madeiras, Picadilly, Riachuelo, Reserva, Smart Fit and Tiffany & Co have already confirmed attendance.
This will be a great opportunity to join an exclusive event organized to address new perspectives of the Brazilian Retail Market.
Members of The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, official supporter of the event, receive a discount to register for the Summit.

Feliz ano novo
2017 chegou trazendo vários desafios. Serão 365 dias de muita ação para que mudemos o mundo!
E o que você vai fazer de bom nesse ano?
Queremos um 2017 com muitas vitórias e também com muito trabalho. Nos esforçamos para combater a destruição do nosso planeta e, ao mesmo tempo, estimular as pessoas a trabalharem na construção de um mundo melhor para as futuras gerações. Vamos juntos fazer desse ano um ano incrível! Faça parte desse time e receba um super kit do Greenpeace.
Junte-se a nós
Todos nós podemos fazer um pouco e, trabalhando juntos, vamos conseguir. Vamos garantir um futuro melhor! Venha conosco fazer a mudança que queremos ver no futuro!
Rafael Silva
Greenpeace Brasil


What #YesWeCan means to you:
Watch on YouTube
"Yes, we can."
President Obama spoke these three words for the first time in January 2008 in New Hampshire. And for the past eight years, these words have served as the backbone of his Presidency: the belief that, through hard work and a commitment to hope, we can make progress possible for the American people.
As we look back at the last eight years, people from across the country (and the globe) are taking some time to reflect on a moment that inspired them to share in this belief, and even to take action in their own communities.
And don't forget to tune in to hear the President’s grateful farewell to you on Tuesday, January 10.

Here's a small sample of what you've shared with us so far:
“Shortly after President Obama was elected, I was traveling near the airport in Columbus, Ohio. Air Force One was there because the President was in the city, and at the gate was an African American father holding his young son on his shoulders. I heard him say, 'That’s the President’s jet, and one day, you can do just want President Obama has done. One day, you can be president!' It brought me to tears. Your time, your spirit, your work, your grace…will forever permeate this country, no matter which political party is in the White House. Thank you.”
—Rev. Susan from Ohio
"My son, and now I, both have health care only because you had the vision and the strength to push it through. Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons because you had the strength to push through an agreement. You overcame immense odds, bigotry both here and abroad, yet you prevailed."
—Mary from Virginia
"Your stand on climate change inspired me to champion this position in the Forest Service and in my research, writings, and on-the-ground projects. Climate change is one of the most important challenges for the world and your support has been extremely important."
—Randy from Arizona
“The greatest moment of your eight years in office for me was the night that the Supreme Court affirmed all Americans’ right to marry the person they love. My partner and I, who are not yet married but will do so soon, came to the White House to see the rainbow lights projected onto the facade of the President’s House…Your advocacy and leadership on diversity and inclusiveness, respect for all people regardless of their innate characteristics, and you and Mrs. Obama directing that the White House be lighted thusly on that great day in LGBT history was overwhelming to us both.”
—Skip from DC
“My parents are both undocumented immigrants from south of the border who traveled to California where they raised me and I am deeply grateful for them. They came here to give me a better life then what they experienced. What you did these past eight years did give families like mine the opportunity to strive for the American dream. You taught me that change can come if we work hard to make it happen and not by waiting for anybody else to do it for me.”
—Marco from California
“After the horrific massacre of the Emanuel 9 in Charleston, I was fortunate enough to be able to be present at the memorial service in Charleston where President Obama delivered the eulogy. At the time we most needed to hear a message of unity and hope, our President delivered one of the most powerful and moving speeches I have ever heard. I will never forget those moments of hope and grace delivered in one of our darkest hours in our state. Thank you so very much.”
—Lea from South Carolina
"I’m writing from Japan. Mr Obama’s visit to Hiroshima was my most impressive thing last year. I was translating into English the home page of a precision screw maker in Hiroshima early last year. In the history section, the following line appeared, '6 August 1945 Our factories were annihilated by the atomic bomb.'
"I was born right after the war and I vaguely remember as a small child that war debris was strewn in vacant lots, we were poorly dressed and food was not sufficient. I thought of the people who rose from the ashes to rebuild Japan. Sometime after I finished my translation, Mr. Obama came to Hiroshima. We have come a long way. A way to a better world. Thank you."
—Ichiro from Japan

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Get The Next Three AW Bets For The Price of One

 There is still time to get involved with the three remaining bets we have going at Wolverhampton over the next 4 days.

Today, Monday & Tuesday that's when they are going down & thanks to my number one aw contact we have all the details.

As I type, today's is still a very back-able price, but that price won't be about forever.  So get involved, sit back & enjoy today's winner

Click the link below & you will not only be sent today's runner but also MONDAY'S & TUESDAY'S as well.


Speak soon,

* P.S Please be sure to read the terms below to ensure swift delivery of the email.

T's & C's Below

Organizing for Action

Here's more proof that people want the quality, affordable coverage Obamacare provides:

Since open enrollment began on November 1, nearly nine million Americans have signed up for insurance through the marketplace -- that's up from the 8.6 million people who had chosen plans through the marketplace at this time last year.

But those aren't just numbers: They're real people who are getting the treatment they need without fear of facing bankruptcy, who are benefiting from preventive care, or who are just sleeping a little easier at night knowing that their family is covered.

Obamacare is having a powerful impact for them, and for the millions of others who now have the improved care and stronger protections that all Americans deserve. That's why we can't just sit on the sidelines as congressional leaders try to repeal it.

Say you won't accept the repeal of the law that's helping so many -- sign the petition today, and then we'll be in touch about how to keep building the fight.

Under Obamacare, millions of Americans have gained health coverage. It's that simple. Taking away those protections, and ripping that security away from them now, would be irresponsible and cruel.

But we can do something about it. Raise your voice by signing the petition, and we'll follow up with what comes next. This fight is too important to sit out -- add your name now.

Add your name



Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action


January 9 | Set Times: 8:00pm

| Doors: 7:30 pm

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Pablo Reyes
Guitarist, singer-songwriter and composer Pablo Reyes is known as a very innovative and passionate musician within European, North and Latin American circles. His music explores connections between Latin American Folklore, Jazz, Rock and World Music. Originally born in Mexico and partly raised in Brazil, he began paying guitar at the age of 10. He moved to Europe in 2008 to pursue his artistic career. After 5 years between Barcelona and the Netherlands, Reyes is currently based in New York City.
He graduated from the prestigious Jazz program at the Amsterdam Conservatory and later on earned a Masters degree in World Music Studies at the CODARTS Rotterdam Conservatory in 2013. He was invited back to CODARTS as an Artist in Residence during 2014. Currently living in the Big Apple, Pablo Reyes is an artist that undoubtedly reveals his ‘nomadic nature’ and life experience in his musical sensibility, a strongly embedded inner urge for constant motion and experiment that creates a unique musical-artistic style. Reyes has released 2 albums as a leader, “Hojarasca” (2012) and “Molino de viento” (2013), for the independent Mexican record label “INTOLERANCIA,” and one EP “Rocosa Mar” (2014) with his alternate project MULIX; all are available on iTunes. His new single “DUNA” (2016) was released independently in the US and is also available on iTunes. In “DUNA”, Reyes discusses migration and the process of starting over again, quite a frequent topic in the life history of this eclectic artist who could be classified as a collage composer, since multiple influences reside in his creative work.
Lara Bello
Born in Granada, Spain and now based in New York, singer/song-writer, Lara Bello conveys the music of her hometown: Flamenco, Arabic melodies and Mediterranean roots masterfully fused with African and Latin American rhythms. Her magical voice expressively touches your heart whilst her poetic lyrics take you on a beautiful journey. She was named Spanish World Music Artist of the Year in 2010 (World Music Charts Europe) for her debut recording, Niña pez (2009). In 2012 her second recording, Primero amarillo después malva, received rave reviews in the United States and Latin America from People Magazine and NPR’s “The World.” In 2013 her third recording, Por el agua de Granada: Cancionero lorquiano, based on traditional Spanish songs   compiled by poet Federico García Lorca, was featured on CNN. 

Asaran Earth Trio
A collective of vocalists from different corners of the globe (as well as the set up to a great punchline), Asaran Earth Trio is a group dedicated to signing beautiful music from around the world. With New York City as their figurative ‘bar’, Asaran came together out of the desire to take different traditions in new directions, combining folk elements together with the adventure of group improvisation and each member’s musical ‘history’. Together they sing, clap, play percussion and are known to cause groups of strangers to laugh, cry, sing, dance and shake some groovy shakers. Asaran features Astrid Kuljanic from Croatia, Artemisz Polonyi from Hungary and Anne Boccato from Brazil. They love to share their music and stories all around the Earth – in living rooms, theaters, houses of worship, festivals, on the street and even in actual bars.
Sofia Ribeiro
Sofia Ribeiro is one of the greatest voices from Portugal, a magnificent singer who has the ability to immediately attract the listener to her unique musical universe, blending elements of jazz, Brazilian and Portuguese music. Well-known for her strong and emotional performances, the outstanding Portuguese singer has been captivating audiences all over the world with her charming and powerful sound.Sofia has a diploma in jazz performance from “Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo do Porto”, where she studied with the Portuguese singer Maria João and the Dutch jazz vocalist Fay Claassen. During her studies she did a one year exchange program in Barcelona at “Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya”, and another one at the famous Berklee College of Music, in Boston, who offered her a scholarship. She was a student of the famous vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and music educator Bob Stoloff, and was awarded the “Oliver Wagmann Memorial Scholarship”, for an “outstanding vocalist demonstrating academic excellence at the college”. Later she received a master’s degree in jazz performance with “great distinction” from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, where she studied with the Belgium renowned jazz singer David Linx. During her master’s studies she went to study for one year at the prestigious “Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris” (CNSNDP) with an “Erasmus” scholarship.