Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Are Olympic Games worth it for host cities? Learnings from Rio 2016 and other experiences

April 20 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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The Brazil Brown Bag Seminar Series invites you to its discussion titled, “Are Olympic Games worth it for host cities? Learnings from Rio 2016 and other experiences” with Rodrigo Rosa, Visiting Professional Fellow, ILAS.

Rodrigo Rosa is currently Visiting Professional Fellow at Columbia University after eight years working as Special Advisor to the Mayor’s Office of the City of Rio de Janeiro, where he led various innovative initiatives on climate and environmental governance at the local and global scales. Rodrigo has considerable experience in the public sector as a legislative consultant of the Brazilian Federal Senate, where he worked on crafting important legislative works in Brazilian Congress. Rodrigo is a former journalist of major newspapers in Brazil, as Folha de S.Paulo and Jornal do Brazil with Master Degrees in Economics and environmental management and a PhD candidate at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro on energy and sustainable planning.

(212) 854-4643
420W 118th Street
New York, NY 10027 United States

Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship

The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship provides academic and professional opportunities to advance the reporting skills of women journalists who focus on human rights and social justice. The Fellowship was created in memory of The Boston Globe correspondent and IWMF Courage in Journalism Award (1998) winner Elizabeth Neuffer, who died while reporting in Iraq on May 9, 2003. In collaboration with Neuffer’s family and friends, the IWMF started this program to honor Neuffer’s legacy while advancing her work in the fields of human rights and social justice.
The Neuffer Fellowship is designed for affiliated or freelance women journalists with at least three years of professional experience in journalism working in print, broadcast, or digital media. All nationalities are welcome to apply but non-native English speakers must have excellent written and verbal English skills in order to fully participate in and benefit from the program. The Fellow will complete research and coursework at MIT’s Center for International Studies and journalism internships at The Boston Globe and The New York Times. The flexible structure of the program will provide the fellow with opportunities to pursue academic research and hone her reporting skills. Past fellows have taken advantage of opportunities to publish work under their byline through various media outlets.
Linda Pizzuti Henry
“Elizabeth Neuffer was a courageous reporter for the Globe who was determined to shine a light on injustice wherever she found it, and we continue to be inspired by her example and her work. We’re grateful that the IWMF fellowship in her name has enabled courageous women journalists around the world to carry on that tradition.”
–Linda Pizzuti Henry, Boston Globe Managing Director

July 10-21, 2017, Unicamp, Brazil. APPLICATION RESULTS: April 20, 2017


The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Research Methods for the Humanities is an initiative funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp) and will take place at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in Brazil, between the 10th and 21st of July 2017.

Applications should be submitted between March 20 and April 2, 2017. All applicants admitted will receive full funding (stipend and airfare) by Fapesp.

More information: https://espca.wordpress.com/

Não há limite de vagas para o curso online.  Todos que se inscreverem receberão videoaulas semanais por e-mail a partir do dia 27 de fevereiro. Já as aulas de reforço presenciais têm vagas limitadas.  Serão concedidas aos inscritos que possam se deslocar até a sede da LBV em Nova York.

The Brazilian Endowment for the Arts has the honor to announce its first Talented Youths Prize with the intention of rewarding the talented young Brazilians living in the US or in the Bermudas Islands. The first place prize is a computer. (For further information, please read the official notice in its entirety. It is available on our website, only in Portuguese. Click here.)

Teachers and Principals, please help us spread this information among your Brazilian students. (It is highly desirable that the candidates are able to read Portuguese fluently, therefore the lack of an English version of our official notice. Nonetheless, Brazilian immigrants' children are also electable for enrollment in our contest.) 

Dear students, we look forward to seeing you soon in our institution! Please read the official notice for acknowledging the rules before submitting your documents to our e-mail address (educational@brazilianendowmentforthearts.org).

Happy 2017! Best wishes!


April 24, 2017
                    240 East 52nd Street
                    New York, NY

Organized for over a decade, the Brazil Summit is one of the most important events in the Chamber’s annual calendar. Government officials, business leaders, members of the international financial community and academia will have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate key developments affecting the Brazilian economy, as well as the current political, economic and investment outlook for Brazil.
Click here to download sponsorship information.
Conference Chairperson
Gabrielle Trebat, Director, McLarty Associates
Keynote Speaker
Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Levy, Chief Financial Officer, The World Bank Group

Special Presentation
Marcello Moura Estevão Filho, Secretary for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance

Concessions / Infrastructure
Pablo Fonseca Pereira dos Santos, Special Advisor for Infrastructure, Inter-American Development Bank
Adalberto Santos de Vasconcelos, Deputy Executive Secretary, Secretariat of Investment Partnership Programs, Presidency of the Republic of Brazil

Trends in Trade: Impact on Brazil
Cassia Carvalho, Executive Director, Brazil-US Business Council
Fernando de Magalhães Furlan, Visiting Scholar, American University and Former Deputy Minister of State, Ministry Development, Industry and Foreign Trade
Kellie Meiman Hock, Managing Partner, McLarty Associates
Marcos Troyjo, Co-Director of BRICLab and Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs,Columbia University

Economic and Political Outlook
Paulo Vieira da Cunha, Partner, VERBANK Agriculture and VERBANK Consulting, LLC
Fábio Kanczuk, Deputy Minister for Economic Policy, Ministry of Finance
José Márcio Camargo, Chief Economist, Opus Gestão de Recursos
Carlos Kawall, Chief Economist, Banco Safra S.A.
Eduardo Loyo, Chief Economist, BTG Pactual

In association with:

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Media Sponsor

Media Partners
 Private Equity Conferences





Friday, April 14th | 6:30pm
Murphy Institute
25 W. 43 Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY

CUNY’s Murphy Institute is pleased to host a presentation by Dilma Rousseff, former President of Brazil, co-organized with the Committee Defend Democracy in Brazil/New York.
Brazil’s former president, Rousseff − impeached in August 2016 in what many have called a “soft coup” based on what analysts almost universally have described as minor and highly irregular charges − will discuss the attack on, and current efforts to defend, democracy, labor rights, and social and economic justice in Brazil.
Brazil, whose young democracy was re-established in 1985 after 21 years of violent military rule, has achieved huge growth in the recent years, lifting 45 million people out of extreme poverty. Under the democratic leadership of the Workers’ Party, led initially by President Lula da Silva and subsequently by President Rousseff, Brazil saw dramatic changes towards a more equal society. Advancements under the Workers Party have included an enormous expansion of the middle class, steady increases in life expectancy, and the country’s removal in 2014 from the UN Map of Hunger.  Rousseff is currently undertaking an international tour to discuss with concerned people throughout the world what is at stake: Brazilian democracy, and the historic gains in the rights of workers, women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, communities of color and of the poor.
This event will also feature a photo exhibition highlighting important moments of the struggle from activist groups around the world.
Please join us for this historic event!

Press registration/inquiries:defenddemocracyinbrazil@gmail.com

Joel Wolfe – O Grande Brasil: A Spatial History of the Making of a Nation

Thursday, April 13, 2017
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Joukowsky Forum

Professor Wolfe's Thomas E. Skidmore memorial lecture reinterprets modern Brazilian history by using geography as its starting point. Almost every key event, practice, and social arrangement in Brazil was fundamentally shaped by the nation's massive size.
More information: http://watson.brown.edu/brazil/events/2017/joel-wolfe-o-grande-brasil-spatial-history-making-nation
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The St. John’s University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) was established in 1994. Its policy is grounded in the University's Vincentian mission and a commitment to global education.  As a metropolitan university whose main campuses areas located in one of the major urban centers of the world, St. John's is acutely aware of the increasing importance of the U.S. economy on Latin American and Caribbean trading sectors through NAFTA and other agreements.
Observing the rapid growth of Hispanic populations in New York and across the U.S., St. John's also recognizes its historic responsibility to this sector of new Americans. The Center, under the auspices of the Office of the Provost, comprises faculty and administrators whose research, teaching and professional involvement demonstrate a serious commitment to the study of Latin America and the Caribbean. These scholars serve as liaisons and support resources within their schools, disciplines and departments.
Contact Information
Dr. Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Chair
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
St. John Hall, Room B3A, 1 and 9
Graduate Admission Information
Office of Graduate Admission
Robert Medrano, Director

Descrição da imagem: Foto de diversas pessoas sentadas em cadeiras em um auditório. No canto superior esquerdo, detalhes de formas geométricas nas cores, azul, rosa, verde e amarelo. Em um retângulo branco, 5 pictogramas de pessoas coloridas e enfileiradas. Ao lado está escrito Terceiro Fórum Gestão da Diversidade e Inclusão em preto. Abaixo deste retângulo branco, há outro retângulo roxo escrito em branco Como a sua Empresa trabalha a diversidade? E o logotipo da CKZ Diversidade.
Compor uma equipe diversa é um passo importante para a sustentabilidade das corporações. Engajada nessa causa, a CKZ Diversidade transforma o tema diversidade e inclusão em interatividade e troca de experiências de forma prática e com um formato inovador, trazendo conteúdo de alta qualidade, com um time de palestrantes altamente comprometidos em fazer a diferença no mundo.

Nos dias 27 e 28 de junho acontece em São Paulo a
 3ª Edição do Fórum Gestão da Diversidade e Inclusão, desenvolvido por meio de uma extensa pesquisa com especialistas do mercado corporativo.

Conheça os Cases de empresas que têm desenvolvido ações, políticas e estratégias de diversidade e inclusão.

Confira o que preparamos para você:
·  Liderança, estratégia e diversidade nas empresas e no mundo – como lidar com o diverso
·  Cases de boas práticas de raça, gênero e etnia, LGBT e PcD
·  Case da Skol: como incorporar a mensagem da diversidade na comunicação
·  Painel de CEO transformadores
·  Barreiras inconscientes: o que a neurociência tem a dizer sobre Unconscious Bias
·  Design thinking e diversidade, tudo a ver!
·  Painel inovações em gestão de pessoas com foco em diversidade
·  Neurodiversidade - o que é e porque você vai ouvir falar cada vez mais
Acesse o report da 2º Edição do Fórum Gestão da Diversidade e Inclusão e conheça nossa iniciativa.

Faça parte dessa causa!
Mais informações CKZ Diversidade telefone 11 2 3 8 7 0 1 1 1
Inscrição Aline Pereira e-mail contato@ckzeventos.com.br
Empresa Parceira Diego Rodrigues e-mail diego@ckzeventos.com.br
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Promoção e Organização
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Logotipo da Diversitas Soluções InclusivasLogotipo da Eletrobras FurnasLogotipo da FEAPAES-SPLogotipo do Fonoaudiálogo
Logotipo da Fundação DorinaLogotipo da InsperLogotipo do Instituto EthosLogotipo da Revista DMaisLogotipo da Revista ReaçãoLogotipo do Simbora Gente


Chris Barreto Fashion line.